An Open Letter To The President On Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
Mr. President, I noticed that someone on your immediate staff visited my web site today.
I’m good with that, and I hope you are too. It isn’t the first time, and I’ve also had visits from the Supreme Court and Senate. It’s just a function of the open society and information sharing collective in which we live. I would rather feed the collective than be fed, and while I’m sure you don’t like a lot of what I advocate, we need to talk.
You see, I know that the recent flurry of activity on gun control has nothing whatsoever to do with safety, protecting the children or keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. Criminals get their weapons regardless of the law because, well, they are criminals. You know this too, and you know that I know this.
I know that the very touchstone of gun control for progressives is universal background checks, because in order to control the collective, you must know where all of the guns are and who has them. You know this too, and you know that I know this.
I know that you have almost lost the gun control battle, and that the polls are all a lie. They depend on the specifics rather than broad outlines and ethereal platitudes common to polls. Even your own press, the Washington Post, knows this. So you can’t spin it with me, and you know this. And you know that I know this.
You and I both know than an assault weapons ban would have no effect whatsoever on crime, whether person-on-person or mass shootings. Furthermore, you and I both know that the trend in crime these days is multi-man home invasions, and for this one needs access to all of the firepower he can get. You don’t care that the plan to prevent ownership of certain types of weapons and magazines endangers home owners for this very reason, but you don’t care. And you know that I know that you feel this way. But you’ve given up on this feature of the proposed rules for the collective because you know it won’t pass.
You’ve focused on universal background checks, which as we’ve discussed is the holy grail of gun control even though it won’t effect crime in the manner you have sold to the public. But now, even this is in trouble, hence your word search involving remoteness being an exception to universal background checks.
Exceptions to universal background checks isn’t a selling point for us. We don’t care about remoteness. We care about our rights, and allowing you to develop a national gun registry would be intolerable to us. I know, I know, that can’t happen according to the rules. But it can, and I know that you have a veritable army of lawyers sitting inside the beltway at the ready for rule making via the federal register. You know that we don’t have any control over what your lawyers do, and that no one does. You know that I know this, and I know that you know that I know this.
So we’ve opposed your proposed new law and all of the rules that would be forthcoming from it. And for the most part, we’ve been successful at making the Senators and Representatives believe that we really do understand this and will hold them accountable. That’s the part that you’re just now learning. This is news to you.
You’re losing this battle. Even though this fact is hard for you to digest, I am here to help you along all I can. Please visit again, and take note of the fact that you cannot possibly craft selling points sufficient to convince us to go along to get along, compromise, or worse, stand down on our God-given duties.
No retreat, no surrender, no new gun laws.
On April 17, 2013 at 12:26 am, jj said:
Watch your six Mr Smith….these clowns are dangerous