Electrical Grid Attack
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 9 months ago
If you’re ready for some serious reading and study, read the following, in order:
Herschel Smith, A Terrorist Attach That America Cannot Absorb
Bob Owens, Shock The System
Herschel Smith, Surviving The Apocalypse: Thinking Strategically Rather Than Tactically
Now you’re ready for your assigned reading today.
Bob Owens, Shock The System? Electrical Grid, Comms Attacked Near San Jose
There’s not much for me to add, except that this will tie up law enforcement and utility workers for some time to come, and this was a small scale attack. Was this proof of principle?
On April 17, 2013 at 6:30 am, gyrwan said:
An example of great tactics being abysmal strategy. What possible NET benefit would partially or wholly disabling the electrical grid bring?
Conversely, how would it benefit TPTB?
Cutting off the nose to spite the face is hardly brilliant strategic thinking.
On April 17, 2013 at 8:27 am, sofa said:
benefit: urban base of enemy starves in cities without power. enemy logistics requires complex infrastructure. and less able to project power to flyover country when having to allocate dwindling resources to deal with their own peeps.
intact enemy power base = lose
decimated enemy power base = win
On April 17, 2013 at 9:46 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
Misha at the AIR thinks it might have been a warning shot:
“I’m beginning to think the same thing, quite frankly, because that’s exactly how you’d go about sticking it to the fascists. A warning shot, you might call it.
Perhaps we’re not the ones who ought to put their thinking caps on. Whether or not the idiots in DC, on both sides, got the message is another thing entirely. They’re too dumb to poke a turd with a stick without breaking both, but I’m beginning to think that you might be on to something here.
“Just look what we can do with little to no effort at all. Now think what we might be capable of if we got really pissed off. Sleep with one eye open, traitors. We’re everywhere.”
– Misha I
On April 17, 2013 at 10:40 am, Juan said:
Gyrwan: unless you can place blame on your enemy.
Hemp: No publicly announced claim of responsibility. Reports of gunfire, anyone capable of this much planning/organization should be capable of suppressing their gunshots. Someone sending a message.
On April 17, 2013 at 11:29 am, 10mm AUTO said:
I agree with Juan, these guys could saw through cables with impunity, knowing they would not be shocked, cut a fence and picked their targets inside a complex engineering structure, fired without leaving any brass (sheriff said they didn’t find anything suspicious) yet can’t wrap a towel around the end of a barrel with zip ties?
This was a message for sure.
Another way of looking at it; this was the opening act of the Resistance. It’s here and its real and these guys are good. Better to shoot up infrastructure than Politicians, but if they don’t get the message, they are next.
I can’t believe it. The III is finally here.
On April 17, 2013 at 11:31 am, VonZorch, Imperial Researcher said:
Or it’s just some jackass popping off a few random rounds and hitting something important.
On April 17, 2013 at 1:22 pm, Ted said:
Analysis, anyone?
On April 18, 2013 at 3:38 am, Stephen Carter said:
This was a probe or practise run before launching saboteur attacks closer to a target-rich urban environment. As a practise run it was carried off with 100% success …