Holder To Kansas: We Will Ignore Your State Firearm Laws
BY Herschel Smith
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told Kansas Governor Sam Brownback that the legislation he signed titled the Second Amendment Protection Act, SB 102 will be ignored by the federal government and the Obama administration will enforce firearm confiscation regardless of state laws, the New American reported yesterday.
The Kansas governor signed the Second Amendment Protection Act, SB 102 last month that strengthens the constitutionally protected rights of Kansans to keep and bear arms but it appears that the Obama administration and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder want nothing of it, claiming that the federal government has sole-rights over states rights when it comes to the second amendment matters.
This is good. It’s a positive sign that Holder is acknowledging the coming conflict. Kansas and all of the other states who are enacting nullification laws had better listen to me – and listen carefully.
You had better not enact such laws unless you intend to enforce them. Don’t enact them as emblematic measures, or legislative actions to send a message. This is a silly way to send a message.
If you don’t intend to enforce them, your own state residents will see you – the lawmakers and law enforcement officers – as a bunch of wind bags who fold like a cheap tent in the slightest wind. Also, if you plan to appeal this to any of the federal courts, you will lose. The Marbury versus Madison ruling forever ensures that the totalitarians in Washington will have friends in the judiciary.
No, if you plan to enforce your nullification laws, you had better plan to arrest some federal law enforcement officers and throw them in the state penitentiary with the general prison population – the rapists, pedophiles and murderers. You will have to be the ones to ignore federal laws and judicial rulings, orders and decisions. You will have to be prepared to use the power of the state and local law enforcement, unorganized militia and possibly the state national guard.
If you do not currently plan on doing this, just don’t bother. This isn’t a game folks, and Holder is the one who launched the first shot across your bow. He’s already fully engaged.
On May 17, 2013 at 7:54 pm, Mark Matis said:
If any state is willing to START to stand against the FedPigs, the FedPigs may rapidly find that, unless they quickly back down, they and theirs are under attack across the entire country. Same goes for any entity that attempts to reinforce the FedPigs.
Unfortunately, I fully realize that Governor Brownback is most likely “all hat and no cattle“, just like so many OTHER Republican governors.