Opposition To Ohio Gun Shop
BY Herschel Smith
David Codrea discusses the opposition to the opening of a gun shop in Twinsburg, Ohio.
That none of the complainers need prove they know the first thing about guns, gun shops, gun shop clientele and the statistical significance of nearby hoagie shops, bars, day care centers, school drop-offs and houses to create any kind of public safety concern, other than what their own prejudices conjure up, has not been questioned. Their unprovoked anger is entirely self-created, and to imply their peaceable neighbors will lawfully patronize a gun store and then do something evil because a tavern or a day care are nearby is, frankly, insulting, and not worthy of a response except to return such disrespect in kind. If they don’t like what a store has to offer, they don’t have to patronize it.
They may not like what the store has to offer, but in the end it doesn’t matter. They are swimming against the current. We will win, battle after battle after battle.
Notice that David also discusses second amendment purists who don’t believe that the second amendment has anything to do with duck hunting. I think my readers place me in that category. But recall sporting purposes?
While ATF lawyers might disagree, for something to have a “sporting purpose” means nothing more than it can be taken to the range and operated by the owner to his or her entertainment or training. The shooting skills – whether for official competitions such as IDPA or 3-Gun, or for unofficial activities such as regular range visits for the purpose of betterment at the science of firearms operation – are sports. All of them. Period. This is non-negotiable. If it is a firearm, it has a sporting purpose.
So if they take my definition of sporting purposes, the issue solves itself because every gun has a sporting purpose. If they don’t, they’re in denial of the real reasons for the second amendment. Either way, we win based on logic, just the way it should be.
Read it all at Examiner.
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