3D Printed Guns? Not If The U.S. Government Has Anything To Do With It
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 8 months ago
The Department of Defense Trade Controls has “requested” Defense Distributed to remove files associated with its Wiki Weapon Project, an announcement posted on the DEFCAD website today announced …
This development is occurring mere days after the announcement that a complete working 3-D printed firearm, the Liberator, had successfully been built, and follows speculation from earlier today when a “temporarily unavailable” message appeared when trying to access the downloadable files.
Read also David’s War On Guns post about this subject. Now take a quick look at what Mike Vanderboegh says, and take note that if anyone has files they would like to send to me I’ll take possession and distribute them like Mike.
Totalitarians will be totalitarians. But they will not win.
UPDATE: The thought occurs to me that Holder is several days late (and if he was one second late it’s game over). Bit torrent sites will have the files forever now, encrypted. So it’s game over. There’s nothing Holder can do about it.
On May 9, 2013 at 11:01 pm, jj said:
I got an idea….Why doesn’t Holder lead by example and be first in the stack on a gun confiscation raid ASAP. He talks the talk, lets see him walk the walk.
On May 10, 2013 at 6:24 am, Roger J said:
Holder is one of those types who lead from the rear. Throughout history, men like him have never had any problems ordering others to go to their deaths.
On May 10, 2013 at 8:55 am, Jean said:
Let’s suppress the plastic gun technology, but keep bomb making data available for any aspiring Islamic nut job. Wiki…are you kidding me, they didn’t do much when Manning/Wiki dumped classified information on the internet, but they are afraid of plastic guns.