Guns And Terror In Great Britain
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 8 months ago
In the first terrorist murder on the British mainland since the 7/7 suicide bombings of 2005, the men attempted to behead the soldier, hacking at him like a “piece of meat” in front of dozens of witnesses, before both were shot by police who took around 20 minutes to arrive.
After the killing, one of the men, believed to be a British-born Muslim convert, spoke calmly into a witness’s video phone.
Speaking with a London accent, holding a knife and a meat cleaver and with his hands dripping with blood, he said: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. Your people will never be safe …
Witnesses said that the men used a car to run over the soldier just yards from the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, before setting about him with knives and a meat cleaver as if they were “trying to remove organs” …
There were also questions over why it took around 20 minutes for armed police to arrive on the scene, during which time the killers calmly walked up and down the road, carrying their bloodied knives and a pistol, while members of the public confronted them.
So let’s run down the facts. Two men armed with knives and a gun hack another man to death, the police respond no sooner than twenty minutes after the attack, and laws in England virtually prohibit carrying of weapons or owning of weapons beyond firearms used for hunting (which cannot be carried on your person).
So to repeat. Man prohibited from owning a gun gets killed by criminals who were prohibited from owning a gun but who didn’t have any regard for the law since they were criminals. People who witnessed the crime could only shout at them since they didn’t have guns either.
Got it.
On May 23, 2013 at 5:06 am, Arkindole said:
And, those in power/control would be surrounded by those that carry weapons of at least one force level greater than those of the proletariat.
On May 23, 2013 at 7:07 am, Inquiring Minds said:
Don’t they regulate edged weapons in the UK as well?
On May 24, 2013 at 11:54 am, amr said:
Also British law does not allow a violent defense of yourself or others. You can’t carry a pocket knife or pepper spray. The bystanders were completely, legally and practically, at the mercy of the killers. The lady who tried to aid the soldier was braver than I may have been.
On May 24, 2013 at 3:37 pm, James Harris said:
The Brits are supposed to be a “free people” like us, capable of firing leaders that don’t deliver.
That means that, if you don’t allow me to defend myself, the you’d better be able to provide the service.
Why do they put up with it?
On May 24, 2013 at 7:13 pm, Darkwater said:
Ah, life in a civilised society.
On May 24, 2013 at 9:20 pm, Mark Matis said:
“Stiff upper lip”, James Harris. “Stiff upper lip”. Not to mention the fact that they are offered NO choice to do otherwise. Just as the GOP and the Democrat party are nothing more than opposite ends of the same steaming turd, so the political parties in the UK differ only in whose cronies get to slop at the government trough when THEY are in charge. Not to mention that almost EVERY law and regulation they live under is an EU “competence”, which means the UK MUST implement what they are told by their Brussels Betters…
On May 25, 2013 at 12:00 pm, GoneWithTheWind said:
Your comment sounds suprisingly like “when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns”. Such a simple concept that somehow is too difficult for our politicians.
On May 26, 2013 at 9:41 pm, Real Deal 36 said:
Brits don’t know what to think. If the IRA did this, Protestant retaliation would ensue, especially if in N.I. But if Quran thumping Islamists take out a British Army man, well. Tolerance, understanding, their not all like that, violence begets violence.
Piers Morgan banned Dana Loesch from his show over a twitter fight regarding this incident.
Piers Morgan was handed his arse by Dana.
On May 27, 2013 at 1:18 am, Real Deal 36 said:
Dana Loesch: Was the guy with the machete a member of the NRA? Asking for a friend.
Piers Morgan: You think the beheading of a soldier is something to be glib about??? > RT @DLoeschWas the guy with the machete a member of the NRA?
Dana Loesch: As opposed to you calling me Nancy Lanza because I stood up for 2A rights? Get real, @piersmorgan.
Piers Morgan: No @DLoesch – there is a time to shut up with stupid political wisecracks, and this is one of those times. Show some bloody respect.
Dana Loesch: That’s rich coming from you, @piersmorgan . You stood on the graves of children and attacked my family. Get some consistency.
Piers Morgan: Can’t stomach @DLoesch goading Brits with her outrageous tweeting re beheaded soldier story. Unfollowed, and banned from my show.