Judgment Day Cometh For The ATF
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 7 months ago
David Codrea notes on his web site a passing thought that isn’t given in his Examiner article. For the ATF, “a day of judgment is coming.” At Examiner:
The case of Jay Anthony Dobyns v. The United States is scheduled to begin Monday by the United States Court of Federal Claims, an entry yesterday on the ATF agent’s blog announced. “The trial will start in Arizona and end in Washington, D.C. in early August,” Dobyns wrote.
[ … ]
“ATF has breached its settlement contract terms … and has continually failed to approach minimal standards of law enforcement safety practices by failing to properly assess, respond to, investigate, process or document any of these threats and occurrences,” the Synopsis of Facts in Dobyn’s complaint states.
Dobyns was a whistle blower, and you can read the rest of the story at Examiner (which keeps me from having to recapitulate it here). Now, take a slight detour to WRSA, where their reaction to Senator Lautenberg’s death was exactly the same as mine: “Good Riddance.”
Totalitarians will answer for their totalitarianism in eternity if they don’t answer in the here and now. You can count on it. But totalitarianism is way down the list of things for which the ATF will be held accountable one awful day. This leads me to my main point about the ATF and Dobyns. All of those who work for the ATF and who superintended this ugliness are in great peril. Take careful note what a testimony it is to one’s character to make an agreement and then break it.
There can never be a time or situation when truth is not the morally right thing to declare. Dr. Charles Hodge, in his Systematic Theology says, “A man who violates truth sins against the very foundation of his moral being. … Truth is at all times sacred, because it is one of the essential attributes of God. Truth is … the very substratum of Deity.” (Vol. III, chapter XIX, section 13)
Lying is a characteristic of Satan and his kingdom. This is openly declared by our Lord when in John 8:44 he said of the Devil, “… he is a liar, and the father of lies.”
I might take some issue with the expansiveness of this edict, witness Rahab’s lie and the fact that the enemy didn’t deserve the truth. But let the weightiness sink in. The ATF had contractual terms with Dobyn’s and violated those terms. Shame. Eternal shame.
David is right. There will be judgment on the ATF – now or in eternity, or both.
On June 7, 2013 at 4:52 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith….it appears you still believe in the United States court system and that there is “justice” therein. Do you believe for a moment that the government attorneys in black robes will protect Dobyn and punish Alchohol & Tobacco ? I think not. I hope I’m wrong. But my experience in the federal court system was that even after an unanimous federal jury verdict, in my favor, the federal judge o appeal THREW OUT the jury verdict. Unheard of to have a federal judge smite a jury verdict in a civil rights lawsuit. But he did. And the Third Circuit supported this bastard in a black robe. Judges are part of the same cabal as those with badges.
“There will be judgment on the ATF – now or in eternity, or both.” You’re correct, there will be judgement…. but it won’t happen until the bastards who ARE BATFE are in Hades. It won’t happen in this life or in a federal court.
Justice = Just Us.
On June 10, 2013 at 6:56 am, GunRights4US said:
I’m with Dan of this one. By that I do not mean to say that I oppose your views Herschel. Merely that there is NO justice to be expected from any part of Leviathan. I take the view that all parts of the American body politic – and most especially the INjustice system – are evil and gangrenous. Nothing remains but to hack it off.