Hey Kids! Guns Are Cool!
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 7 months ago
An elementary school toy gun “buyback” conducted Saturday in Hayward, Calif. offered children a chance to win bicycles in exchange for violating a school policy that does not authorize exceptions.
“Playing with toys guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill maintained in a Mercury Daily News report, with absolutely nothing to substantiate his ignorant, offensive and absurd claim.
“If we want older kids to not think guns are cool, we need to start early,” Hill proclaimed, revealing his interest is manipulating the way children entrusted to his care perceive and react to issues, that is, by adopting the beliefs that agree with his. In other contexts, this would rightfully be perceived as educational malpractice and psychological child abuse.
I am proud to report that my two year old grandson already knows that papa has guns, and he wants to look at them. We are already teaching him that guns are cool. As soon as he is able to handle it, he will be the proud recipient of a .22 rifle and he will learn all about the rules for gun safety.
Because guns are cool.
Read the rest at Examiner.
On June 12, 2013 at 2:47 pm, Archer said:
My son, at 6 years old, received a rubber band gun, with the admonishment that if he EVER shot his sister with it, he’d have to pay the cost back (to a 6 year old, $5 is a lot). He never did.
At 7 years old, he received a BB gun and an education on the rules of gun safety and the fundamentals of shooting. And safe, fun times were had by all.
At 8 years old, he tagged along on a “new shooter induction” trip (I was taking a friend and his wife shooting for the first time) and he was introduced to “real” firearms. I made him recite the safety rules in the car on the way. He impressed everyone there by taking the .22 pistol and putting his first two rounds in the 9 ring. From 10 yards. And again, safe, fun times were had by all, and he and I went over how guns work as he helped me clean them afterward.
Guns are cool. In the wrong hands they can be dangerous, but in the right hands they are awesome. My son understood this at 8 years old. He also had precisely zero curiosity about them; he already knew what they do and how they work.
So why is it so hard for the liberals charged with EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN to understand?
On June 12, 2013 at 8:31 pm, MarineOfficer said:
As with most problems, education is the solution. I wrestle with this myself, with a set of two year old twins and another one on the way. Twins do not develop at the same rate, and do not absorb and handle information in the same way at the same time, so you have to teach them differently. I think my daughter is further along in this area right now.
And I think that’s the key (at least for me and my family), presenting the information in the proper way at the proper time in the proper forum. I do not want the state teaching my children about guns anymore then I want them teaching them about sex or God. I am their father, and their guidance and development is my responsibility.
On June 14, 2013 at 8:07 am, Jonny said:
Archer – exactly right.
Education, education, education.
High school kids get Driver’s Ed to teach them how to handle a car and (hopefully) not become an accident statistic.
Kids get (or should – your area might differ!) Sex-Ed so that they know how to avoid STDs and pregnancy (and hopefully learn some more mature attitudes to sex and relationships.
Why the hell not “Shooter’s Ed”?
Run through schools as an opt-in activity. Managed by the local shooters club or law enforcement. Hopefully teaches kids the basics of safety and probably a lot of fun too. Less accidental deaths. Less stupidity “Hollywood” style.
Win all around? I say so.
(ex-HS teacher)
On June 14, 2013 at 12:21 pm, Mannie said:
I’m now taking seriously, what I once thought was a whackjob tinfoil hat theory.
The anti-gun hysteria in schools has nothing to do with Zero Tolerance idiocy, nor with hysteria after the Sandy Hook shootings. It is not idiocy. It is deliberate. It is a tactic. Idiocy is just the smoke screen. This is a program to condition, to terrorize, to brainwash our children into fearing and hating guns, patriotism, and Americanism. If the Liberal scum can ruin our children, they have won.
Counterattack. Buy your child a gun, as young as he or she can operate one, and take them to the range. Let them talk it up with their friends. Spread the Good News. Spread the Good News in school.
And teach your children to trust nothing about the education system. Take the education they give you, but only believe the “hard” stuff like mathematics and physics. Parrot the rest back, but never believe it. Be subtle as snakes. Know that the teacher is a cop who wants to destroy you.
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On June 15, 2013 at 11:43 am, Jim Harris said:
@Mannie: Even some of the “hard stuff” can be corrupted by politics, economics, or other agendas — and by parties on either side of the issue(s). Overall, I agree with your statement.