Reader Letter And LEO Encounter
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 7 months ago
From reader Michael:
I found you via Sipsey Street links and have been reading intermittently. I had some free time this weekend, so after going to the range both days (yay), I was catching up on some articles I missed and when I saw some of the articles about abuse by police it reminded me of a recent encounter with our county sheriff’s deputies.
I went to the courthouse to renew an expired passport. When I got to the metal detector, I started to empty my pockets. I told the deputy manning the walk-through that I had a pistol and reached to unholster it, something I have done several times at this courthouse without incident (they have lockers to check any weapons). The pistol was pointed toward the floor the instant it cleared the holster. As soon as he saw it, he started screaming at me to give him the pistol. He was quite abrupt, unneccesarily I thought since I was the one holding a pistol. I told him I was going to clear the chamber before I handed it to him, but he continued to scream so I just handed it to him hot. Once through the metal detector, the sheriff approached and asked if I was law enforcement. He did not recognize me, disappointing since I take care of his wife, daughter and son-in-law, as well as having taken care of his late mother. He was polite, but clearly of a superior attitude. When I came back, Seargant Schultz was on break and another deputy retrieved my pistol, but refused to return it to me until we had reached the sidewalk in front of the courthouse, about 100′. During the entire walk, he kept asking “Why do you carry a pistol? (because I can), “Don’t you have a locked compartment in your car? (I have had several cars broken into, and I can’t protect myself with a pistol that is locked in my car), “Maybe you shouldn’t bring a gun to the courthouse” (your rule to not have it inside, so you should provide a place to check it).
This sheriff is new, currently serving his first term, but he apparently runs a rather loose-cannon department with disrespect for the people he allegedly serves. Never had any problems like this with the prior sheriff, who retired after about 25 years. Guess I know what campaign I will be working on the next time a sheriff election is held here.
Thanks for the writings. Being a physician in this day and age is especially distressing, as I have a better idea than most (I think) of the mayhem that lies ahead in our already collapsing “health-care” system. Your take on events (as well as that of Mike Vanderbough, David Codrea, and WRSA) is a reassuring boost to a flagging spirit.
On June 21, 2013 at 8:10 am, Tricouri Personalizate Iasi said:
Very interesting story from Michael. Thanks for sharing it.
On June 24, 2013 at 8:11 am, Paul B said:
Interesting story. Not too overall surprising. When ever you enter a compound controlled by state actors the first thing they do is reserve force for themselves.