Mississippi Open Carry Ban Not State Wide
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 6 months ago
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood has issued clarifying statements about a ruling by Hinds Country Circuit Court Judge Winston Kidd preventing a law redefining “concealed” weapons from taking effect, the Daily Journal is reporting today.
Hood now maintains the ruling clarifies “Mississippi as a state where people can openly carry a weapon doesn’t apply outside the judge’s Hinds County jurisdiction,” the report states.
“I do not believe that the injunction would prevent someone outside Hinds County, who was openly carrying a weapon, from using the statute as a defense,” the report quotes the Attorney General. “In other words, the judge’s decision would only prevent Hinds County residents from availing themselves of the defenses contained in the new law.”
I had previously said that “Judge Kidd is a candidate for impeachment, and if I were the governor and attorney general I would go ahead with the law and call a special session of Congress to throw Kidd out.”
Everything is proceeding as I had foreseen. Next step? Impeachment of Judge Kidd.
On July 18, 2013 at 10:22 am, Mark Matis said:
The REAL question is whether the governor and the AG have balls like Governor Haley, or if they are instead eunuchs like “Weepy” and Governor Scott…