Senate Confirms Jones To Head ATF
BY Herschel Smith
The final 60 to 40 cloture count that brought the confirmation vote to the floor was enabled by the flipping of Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who changed her vote today to join five other Republicans, John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire. That some of these ended up holding out against Jones on the confirmation vote does not alter the fact that their cloture vote enabled the confirmation.
David is correct. Don’t let a ‘no’ vote on Jones fool you. The cloture vote nonsense is a misdirect and tactical trick to get the Senate to a 50 vote majority rather than 60 or more votes to stop a filibuster.
I expected this from McCain and Graham, both of whom are enemies of America, but I had hope for Kelly Ayotte. As it stands now, she has proven that this isn’t even about whether the ATF should exist, whether they deserve funding, or whether federal firearms laws are constitutional. These are second order questions.
What Kelly Ayotte has said with her vote is that it’s acceptable to her to have a criminal at the head of the ATF, a man who helped organize and arrange the deception of the American public in Fast and Furious and the deaths of U.S. border patrol agents and Mexican authorities (we are still counting the affects) – all for the purpose of justifying more gun control on the American people.
Ayotte cannot undo this vote, she cannot go back. She cannot turn this around, she cannot reverse history. She has declared herself an enemy of gun owners everywhere, forever. McCain and Graham were already there years ago. Ayotte is in horrible company.
On August 1, 2013 at 2:55 pm, Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said:
Anyone who mistook Ayotte for pro-RKBA hasn’t been paying close enough attention. Look back at her cloture vote on Manchin-Toomey. She did that so she could offer her _own_ amendment to that amendment because M-T didn’t go far enough for her, as backed up by her staff’s emails to constituents.
This vote didn’t surprise me. She voted for cloture on Toad because she knew confirmation would pass even with her token “vote” against the actual confirmation.
On August 1, 2013 at 4:12 pm, Robert Fowler said:
John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, RINO’s of the worst kind. I too had hope for Kelly Ayotte. When they disapoint, they do it hard.