No Reconciliation Over Guns
BY Herschel Smith
Alice Johnson at Creative Loafing:
We cannot reconcile our differences in this nation with firearms. We cannot reach a level of mutual respect if one side always brings guns to the conversation. We cannot shoot away our fears.
On a fundamental, visceral level, George Zimmerman was afraid of Trayvon Martin. He was afraid of the parts of Martin he did not understand — the cultural influences, the profoundly different views of the world they lived in.
Zimmerman brought a gun to the encounter and Martin died.
There are six steps in Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence. The last — and by far the most important — is reconciliation. It is impossible to find reconciliation with one’s opponents with a gun.
She later talks about “reconciliation between human beings that would make a gun superfluous.” Oh my. It sounds like Alice is a sophomore liberal arts student who believes she can fix the human condition with enough therapists and courses in gender studies, psychology and literary deconstruction. Bless her heart.
I’ll always bring a gun, so there will be no reconciliation. That’s fine with me, as I have no desire for reconciliation with enemies of liberty and anti-constitutionalists. Alice will have to come to terms with always being at odds with me.
Prior: No Compromise On Gun Rights
On August 2, 2013 at 7:55 am, PARACLETE said:
The warm and fuzziness that the marxists bring to the table, is only a front.
It’s designed to disarm those whom they wish to conquer.
As far as our LIBERTY TEETH goes, there is NO compromise. PERIOD.
Most of the conversations that they wish to engage us in, are also designed
to give them the upper hand over our lives.
So as I see it, there’s only one discussion that we can have with them;
“Where THEY would like to be DEPORTED to ?”
On August 2, 2013 at 8:50 am, Rob Crawford said:
On a fundamental, visceral level, George Zimmerman was afraid of Trayvon Martin. He was afraid of the parts of Martin he did not understand — the cultural influences, the profoundly different views of the world they lived in…
…the flailing fists breaking his nose, slamming his head into the concrete… the hand clamped over his mouth, cutting off his breath…
On August 2, 2013 at 10:29 am, GunRights4US said:
No compromise on being armed – not this side of HELL.
On August 2, 2013 at 1:08 pm, Green Eyed Jinn said:
I partially agree: firearms cannot resolve differences in belief. But they will surely offer you a degree of self-defense when Ms. Johnson’s ‘leadership’ decides it’s time for us all to move to the FEMA farm…
As for George Zimmerman being afraid of Trayvon Martin: that was established in court. Zimmerman was justifiably AFRAID FOR HIS LIFE. I don’t think any ‘reconcilation of differences’ was important at that point.
On August 2, 2013 at 10:11 pm, moral DK said:
So, if GZ had not brought his pistol to the situation and innocent young Trayvon had killed him by bashing his head into the concrete, would that have been reconciliation? Is it a better society that allows the bully to kill as he pleases? Mr. Zimmerman may not have made all the right choices on the night in question, but the last choice he made was the only one left to him. I see all the protests wanting “Justice for Trayvon” – I say Trayvon got justice that night.
On August 3, 2013 at 10:56 am, MamaLiberty said:
Nobody can “reason” with an unreasonable or irrational person. Nobody who wants to harm people, or render people helpless, is in any way rational.
A gun is certainly not the only tool that can be used for self defense, but it tends to be the most practical and effective. I would never shoot except as a last resort, but I fully intend always to have that option.
What too many folks tend to forget or gloss over is the fact that even the irrational… the imperfect, the ordinary, and the “sinners” alike have a natural and inevitable right to defend their lives from those who would attack them. Yes, George Z. made some mistakes, as do we all, but he didn’t attack anyone. Martin initiated the use of force, and owns the consequences all by himself.