Chris Christie On Guns Redux
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 5 months ago
If true–if Christie really believes that this will be enough to appease gun rights advocates–he is adding insult to the injury of the extremely draconian anti-gun bills he has signed, like the one that enables the federal government to disarm anyone it chooses, simply by designating political enemies as “suspected terrorists.” One would certainly hope that gun rights advocates are both far too intelligent and far too proud to be bought off that easily.
Yes. Read all of Kurt’s assessment of Christie’s recent pandering in his rejection of the ban on .50 rifles. I am equally unimpressed. Recall that we’ve discussed Chris Christie before. Chris Christie is a gun grabber from way back who made his fame in New Jersey by supporting the assault weapons ban.
David Codrea notes another source that points out that Christie opposed concealed carry in New Jersey and is admitted to support strict gun control.
Chris Christie is of the get the hell off the beach crowd of obnoxious, loud mouth, blow hard, windbags who like to run the lives of other people. However, that’s not what’s really wrong with him. I may be a loud mouth too, but at least I’m not a totalitarian. But it would be just like the dead elephant party to nominate this man for national office.
On August 20, 2013 at 9:02 am, Paul B said:
It will not matter who the GOP nominates as they will not nominate any candidate that can actually change the overall direction we are headed.
Hillary is nearing the forgone conclusion. the media will anoint her and the democrats election machine will stuff the ballot box and she will be elected.
We are so screwed at this point.
On August 25, 2013 at 10:18 pm, Doramin said:
Hoo boy! .50cal rifles again. Remember when Jim Moran and others thought that demonizing Barret .50s would pay dividends after 9/11? And when was the last time a .50 rifle was used in a crime or terrorist attack?
By the same token, those who are old enough will remember thirty years ago when Uncle Teddy tried to ban “cop-killer” bullets. The only thing him and his ilk accomplished was to widely publicize the fact that police wore body armor. Head shots on cops went up accordingly.
On August 25, 2013 at 10:19 pm, Doramin said:
Crispy Creme thinks we really are dumb.
“Insult to injury,” indeed.