BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 7 months ago
Alice Johnson at Creative Loafing:
We cannot reconcile our differences in this nation with firearms. We cannot reach a level of mutual respect if one side always brings guns to the conversation. We cannot shoot away our fears.
On a fundamental, visceral level, George Zimmerman was afraid of Trayvon Martin. He was afraid of the parts of Martin he did not understand — the cultural influences, the profoundly different views of the world they lived in.
Zimmerman brought a gun to the encounter and Martin died.
There are six steps in Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence. The last — and by far the most important — is reconciliation. It is impossible to find reconciliation with one’s opponents with a gun.
She later talks about “reconciliation between human beings that would make a gun superfluous.” Oh my. It sounds like Alice is a sophomore liberal arts student who believes she can fix the human condition with enough therapists and courses in gender studies, psychology and literary deconstruction. Bless her heart.
I’ll always bring a gun, so there will be no reconciliation. That’s fine with me, as I have no desire for reconciliation with enemies of liberty and anti-constitutionalists. Alice will have to come to terms with always being at odds with me.
Prior: No Compromise On Gun Rights