Gun Free Zones And The Disregard For Human Life
BY Herschel Smith
I recently heard an interview with the base commander at the Navy Yard in Washington speak to the issue of how it feels to be defenseless in the face of an active shooter. What bothered me most was the cavalier way in which he approached the subject. Twelve people perished today, not including the shooter, and the sad part is that it didn’t have to happen. David Codrea gives us his initial thoughts on one of the root causes.
… one fact is indisputable. The killer(s) took advantage of a “gun free zone” at not only the facility, but one that extends throughout Washington. D.C.
Security at the center utterly failed at stopping a murderer bent on killing defenseless personnel. And even acknowledging special security conditions at a military installation, in the absence of a special legal relationship the government has no duty to provide protection to people it prevents from protecting themselves, meaning there is no attendant liability should they fail to do so.
“Special security conditions” will never stop a determined shooter, and it didn’t in this case. The folks are defenseless, and they have been made that way intentionally and with malice of forethought. It’s the same way in church worship services.
HOLYOKE, Mass. (AP) — Holyoke police are looking for a man they say interrupted a church service and robbed several members of the congregation at gunpoint.
Lt. James Albert says the masked suspect entered the Pentecostal church at about 2 p.m. Sunday, announced the robbery, and took personal items, including cellphones, from several of the roughly 20 worshippers.
The fact that he stole from them rather than killed them is a blessing and a second chance. They should never voluntarily be in a gun free zone (or a gun free state) if they have any other choice.
But leave it to the progressives to learn the wrong lessons.
Gun enthusiasts say it is inappropriate to talk about gun violence at the time it occurs. Better to wait … and wait … and wait … until time has passed, and the weeping next of kin have vanished from TV, and it’s safe to return to business as usual. The idea of the gun enthusiasts is that the way to show respect for the victims of gun violence is to do everything possible to multiply their number … better mental-health provision would contribute to the reduction of gun massacres. But America’s uniquely grisly record of gun death cannot be addressed without addressing guns.
I don’t know his state of mind, and thus I don’t know if David Frum really believes his propaganda that making guns illegal will stop the perpetration of crimes, or if he’s just too invested in his idiotic notions to turn back now, or if he is a full-orbed totalitarian. But Frum wants to discuss guns, and wants to do it right now.
Very well. I’m okay with that. Here’s a note to Frum. If you or your ilk ever try to take away my guns, I’ll use them to ensure that you don’t. There. I’m glad we had that conversation. Tell me if you want to talk again.
On September 17, 2013 at 7:07 am, Arnonerik said:
Earnest idiots are dangerous. They think because they can “visualize” no violence that they can legislate it away. There is a gun show in Washington State that is advertising there will be no loaded weapons or ammo on site during the show. I would feel safer knowing every other person had his loaded concealed carry in his pocket. I may be someone’s victim someday but I’ll not voluntarily be one that couldn’t shoot back.
On September 17, 2013 at 8:42 am, theBuckWheat said:
Compare and contrast today’s predictable spew from liberals (er, “progressives”) with the following from John Lott:
The rate that concealed carry permit holders are now losing their permits for gun related violations
Between, October 1, 1987, and November 30, 2008, Florida issued permits to 1,439,446 people, many of whom have had their permits renewed multiple times. Only 166 had their permits revoked for any type of firearms related violation – about 0.01 percent. I was just looking up the new numbers. Updating those numbers to January 31, 2010, Florida has now issued permits to 1,704,624 people. The number who have had their permits revoked has risen to just 167. In 14 months, just one person with a Florida permit has lost his permit for a fire arms related violation. There are currently 692,621 valid permits. That is a revocation rate of 0.00014 percent.
Based on the evidence, civilian concealed carry permitees may have the lowest rate of any demographic even including those in law enforcement.
On September 18, 2013 at 10:30 am, Jean said:
The work force at the Navy Yard has a significant portion of veterans. But the “gun free zone” denied them the right to protect themselves. The rich and elite are protected by private and public security personnel, Bloomberg, McChrytal, and Zero. The rest of us have signs and gun free zones. Just a historical note. In the 1876, the James Younger Gang attempted to rob a bank in Northfield, Minnesota; they were defeated and routed by the citizens, many of them veterans, using their own weapons.
The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
― Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle
On September 19, 2013 at 3:45 pm, Gary Glendenning said:
It’s time we gun owners boycot all gun free zones. Let the liberals die in them. Starbucks is first on my list. I’ve been a loyal Starbucks customer for 20 years. I’ve taken my business elsewhere. Be sure to write these companys, so they understand why business is off…