Elitists And “Men In Black” SWAT Tactics
BY Herschel Smith
Mike Vanderboegh has a link that should interest all of my readers. He cites the horrible PoliceOne.com again.
“After this (SWAT) operation, I was fascinated by the social media discussion that blossomed among ill-informed knuckleheads who were certain that the government was taking over.”
[ … ]
“What is it with this growing concept that SWAT teams shouldn’t exist? Why shouldn’t officers utilize the same technologies, weapon systems, and tactics that our military comrades do? We should, and we will.”
[ … ]
“Black helicopters and mysterious warriors exist. They are America’s answer to the evil men that the anti-SWAT crowd wouldn’t dare face. We will make mistakes but we are duty-bound to do what we can to minimize the chances of mistakes occurring.”
[ … ]
“I do believe to some degree that we SWAT operators should swathe ourselves in a cloak of mysteriousness….”
I’ll have more comments about this later, but it’s remarkable how bold and brazen PoliceOne.com has become at demonstrating to the world what kind of communists they really are. But this snippet in particular interested me.
Black helicopters and mysterious warriors exist. They are America’s answer to the evil men that the anti-SWAT crowd wouldn’t dare face.
Now go back and read one LEO comment (see Steve Jarvis) to my article The Hazards Of A Militarized Police Force.
Guys like this sit around and talk shit about cops until they have something go wrong and then start screaming that the cops don’t show up quick (sic) enough.
So let’s overlook the fact that he needs to retake his English grammar classes. I responded this.
Jarvis, I assure you. You will never see any of my readers “screaming” about the police not showing up quick (sic – quickly) enough. We don’t want or need your protection.
It’s laughable, really, how the SWAT teams see themselves as the savior-warrior of the American people, when in reality, no one I’ve talked to wants them around. I admit that most of my readers have weapons … a lot of them. But the idea that any of us would turn to a SWAT team rather than pick up one of our many, tactically positioned weapons in our home, is preposterous.
As a secondary point, the fact that we couldn’t also pick up one of our weapons at work (because of gun-free zones) is the only reason we are sitting ducks in the workplace. It’s a problem that the government creates – and then pretends to solve.
Finally, I’ve seen commenters at reddit/guns (probably LEOs) who use slurs against people who would be so dumb (wink) as to clear rooms in their own home rather than hole themselves up and call the police. I hope that you’re not one of those commenters, and I hope that you are not stupid enough to hole yourself up in a room and try to wait out a criminal, as if drywall is protection against a bullet. I’ll speak more to this later as well.
On September 18, 2013 at 9:23 am, Chuck said:
The police will invariably show up after you actually need them. You can either accept that fact and take charge of your own protection or you can lament that fact and hope for the best. The very idea that those of us who have taken the former course of action are waiting around for the police to save us defies logic.
I guess the author of the Police One piece could lump me in with the “anti-SWAT crowd. I’ve spent 20 yrs in uniform as an infantryman including combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. I am by no means special in that regard. There are a hell of a lot of us out here. I’d like him to explain to me how he is more qualified to go up against these ill-defined “evil men” he speaks of.
Here’s one for the Police One statist douchebag author to chew on: while you were slurping on free coffee and munching doughnuts, I was patrolling in Taliban country or riding up and down MSR Tampa dodging IEDs. Explain to me who is afraid to face the “evil men” again?
On September 18, 2013 at 11:07 am, Paul B said:
I like the marine at the naval complex who stated had we had bullets for the weapons we had on base we would have had the building cleared in 30 minutes.
We need to get rid of the critters running this country now.
On September 19, 2013 at 12:26 am, Dan said:
The only reason I would call 911 after a violent encounter is because they won’t
allow us to dispose of the dirtbags body personally…..for real men 911 is just the
.gov sponsored janitorial team with badges, they exist to draw chalk around the body,
fill out paperwork and stand around looking important.