Motorcycle Escapades And New York’s Finest
BY Herschel Smith
You all know about the attack in New York by the motorcycle gang called Hollywood Stuntz, so I won’t repeat that tale here. I remarked to my wife after this happened that the poor man’s family was endangered as a result of the incident, not to mention his own health and safety. If this had happened to me and my family, I would have quickly squashed Mr. Hollywood Stuntz like a bug, run over his machine, and run over all of his buddies and their machines in order to get away – right after I blew a hole in his whole body organs with one of my handguns. Mr. Hollywood Stuntz would be dead now, and burying him would have required picking his multiple pieces off of the road.
And of course, it has been (correctly) pointed out that New York has some of the most draconian laws on the books in America regarding guns (when I say that I would have run straight over Mr. Stuntz after I shot him, I mean if he had done that to me around these parts, since I won’t visit New York city or even fly over or drive through the state due to the gun laws). So New York would willingly submit you and your family to this kind of volence, and then prohibit you from protecting your family from it.
Great place, right? Makes you want to hop right in your car and pay a visit to the empire state on your vacation, right? Oh, and in the most recent news of just how bad this gets in New York, here is New York’s finest as they saw it first hand.
An off-duty, NYPD undercover officer was among the pack of motorcyclists who chased a Financial District family up the West Side Highway — and he stood by as the dad was hauled from his car and beaten, The Post has learned.
The unidentified officer only came forward Wednesday night, four days after the caught-on-video biker predation, and is described as a motorcycle hobbyist who rides with Front Line Soldiers, a New Rochelle-based group that also counts several other cops among its members, a source said.
Internal Affairs is investigating whether those cops, too, were among the bikers, and whether any of them are also witnesses to the beating that left Internet exec Alexian Lien bleeding on the pavement as his wife and toddler daughter cowered inside their black Range Rover.
“It is does not appear that he got involved at the scene,” one law enforcement source said of the undercover.
“He didn’t want to blow his cover,” said a source — though he was not investigating those riders.
The undercover has now lawyered up, the source added.
Lawyered-up. Yea, I’ll bet. I think the police use that as a term of derision for us normal folk if we refuse to speak to them. “Didn’t want to blow his cover,” although he was not investigating those riders. Let that wash over you again.
That means that he was hanging with the Hollywood Stuntz gang for fun and as his hobby and interests.
Is it possible for this story to get any better – or worse?
On October 4, 2013 at 6:32 pm, Mark Matis said:
As I have said before, the only good pig…
But then I’m certain the REST of his Brothers in Blue in the NYPD will quickly make it impossible for him to remain on the force. Aren’t you? After all, we keep hearing how it’s only a “few” bad apples.
On October 5, 2013 at 7:33 am, Mark Matis said:
More pigs stood by and watched their biker buddies beat this man. The only good pig is a dead pig.
On October 5, 2013 at 7:34 am, Mark Matis said:
And even MORE of of the Big Crapple’s “finest” at their finest:
On October 5, 2013 at 10:48 am, Mark Matis said:
And it just keeps getting better:
Now it’s FIVE of the maggots who stood by and did nothing while their biker buddies beat the man. Wanna bet what they would have done had it been a pig that was attacked?
May every NYPD pig AND THEIR FAMILIES burn in hell where they belong.
On October 5, 2013 at 12:20 pm, Mark III said:
Not so surprising. The guy is a thug for a living, why should that change when he punches out for the day?
It’s a paradigm shift that many people are just coming to recognize. The police aren’t the good guys anymore. They’re just a different sort of bad guy, operating above the law and/or under the color of law.
On October 5, 2013 at 10:34 pm, Texas TopCat said:
If this had taken place in Texas, I suspect that the governor would have sent in the Texas Rangers already to investigate and get the bad cops off of the street. Apparently NY is more forgiving of cops that are criminals. This is a pattern for this gang and should have been already stopped and the gang members locked up.
I hope that we all realize that most people that ride bikes are good people and most biker clubs would not be involved in such activities. We need to seek justice against this gang and not take out any anger on other bikers.
On October 6, 2013 at 9:49 am, Mark Matis said:
You are definitely right, at least as far as “most people that ride bikes are good people and most biker clubs would not be involved in such activities.” However, based on some recent actions by Texas “Law Enforcement” and the lack of response by your Texas Rangers, as well as their total non-response to the “loss” of the front door of the Branch Davidian compound by the FedPigs as well as their refusal to touch the fact that the THIRD gun found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was sold in Dallas, well let’s just say that the saying “All hat and no cattle” comes to mind when the vaunted Rangers deal with other members of the Blue Wall…
On October 6, 2013 at 2:42 pm, Tom Wolff said:
I used to abide with the pigs, and was even relatively friendly with them, since they were usually a neutral consideration in my overall hierarchy of threat assessments. Sometimes they were useful, sometimes a stupid annoyance, but mostly just another inert element in the equation. Not anymore, that’s changed in the last 20 years. The good ones have retired and I now look on all of them as a loathsome and very real threat. More on that in a few. First, I want to clarify something about real American bikers.
As an old school biker, having ridden Harleys and customs for over 40 years, I’ll tell you straight up that these PUNKS are NOT BIKERS! As many other bikers have stated in the comments to this and the other related articles, if any of us had come across this pack of motorcycle riders, we would have evened up the odds and helped out the family that these slime were attacking, by whatever means necessary. This kind of garbage disgusts me, my brothers, and my sisters, who all hold to a code of honor. These miscreants have no honor.
Finding the pigs among them first and rearranging their anatomy would be a huge slab of icing on the cake. I don’t care if they weren’t directly involved, simply being part of something like that is a good enough excuse to neutralize any and all of them. As Vanderboegh says, if the rule of law no longer applies to them, it no longer applies to me, and they are all fair game.
Mr. Matis makes the most relevant point with his first post. There are no “good cops” anymore, or we would hear of them cleaning up their own houses. Just like the Muslims, there is no shout of outrage or vehement denouncement from their community. The silence speaks volumes, and it all exclaims tacit agreement and complicity. I agree, Mark. Sending a host of them to the ICU is a consolation prize, but the only good pig is a dead pig.
Finally, if I was ever foolish enough to find myself in a state that didn’t “allow” me to carry whatever weaponry gives me comfort, I’d simply ignore such edicts and proceed as I usually do. My natural rights tempered with consideration for the rights of others overwhelms that type of statutory silliness. Bottom line, most “laws” nowadays are only for those who care about such things.
I’ll go along with this guy:
“I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” – Robert A. Heinlein
On October 7, 2013 at 2:37 am, Mark Matis said:
Be careful, Tom Wollf, lest NSA and the FedPIgs become as interested in you as they are in me. Unless, of course, that is your intent. I am well aware of the number of them I keep busy, as an a$$hole lone wolf. I figure the ones working me are not able to also work somebody else. If you feel the same, feel free to let them know how many good apples remain in that barrel. Otherwise…
On October 7, 2013 at 6:19 pm, Tom Wolff said:
Mark, they got my number 20 years ago when I started raising hell all over the internet regarding Waco and Ruby Ridge, and I haven’t let up. I’ve known about their domestic espionage since ’73, and I’m not too worried about it. I went into this with both eyes open and will probably go out with both boots on.
But I’m an old wolf, so, yeah. Just like making a sport of tying up Nigerian 419 scammers and various other criminals, as long as our treasonous snoops are wasting time with me, they aren’t focusing on some of the younger and more potent Americans. It’s not my primary purpose, so thanks for reminding me of that fringe benefit. It gives me the warm fuzzies all over when I think of them spending all of those resources just to come up emptyhanded.
Once the majority of Americans are truly enraged at our entire Gov’t and their stooges, clear down to the local level, I’ll have to find a new and probably more dangerous game to play. ‘Til then, being an Alinskyite works both ways. Take care, man.
On October 8, 2013 at 7:29 am, Mark Matis said:
The “truly enraged at our entire Gov’t and their stooges” may start as soon as this Friday, Tom Wolff, depending on how the DC pigs choose to deal with those truckers…
On October 8, 2013 at 10:19 am, Mark Matis said:
It just keeps getting better and better:
The undercover pig smashed the SUV window!
On October 11, 2013 at 2:24 pm, Mark Matis said:
Of course, this SURELY must be a real surprise:
The only good pig…