Disapprobation While Biking
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 3 months ago
I and some of my family (including grandchildren) rode the Virginia Creeper trail this weekend. We have done this many times. Within a couple of miles of the start there is this sign.
Folks, this restroom is a hole in the ground. Literally, that’s all. It requires someone to monitor the level of waste on a periodic basis (I would guess once per month) and call out a private contractor to empty it when it’s full. There has never been any toilet paper in the restroom.
This is me pointing at the sign.
I’m wearing a Marmot rain parka, hauling a three-day ruck bought at the MCX at Camp Lejeune, and carrying a S&W M&P Cerakote flat dark earth .40 with Viking Tactics sights. I am showing disapprobation towards the federal Leviathan.
On October 15, 2013 at 11:50 pm, Chuck said:
And WHY would anyone want to use public toilets? Especially when you can use the great outdoors? The way I was brought up in the 50’s we stopped along side the road and everyone who had “to go”, “went”. And then we’d be on our way. When in the field, everyone carried their own necessary toilet paper and did what they had to do, whenever, wherever. Most people I knew chose to have women “go” one place and the men, well, to men the world is their urinal. If if was a solid dump, a hole might be made if the traffic demanded so, in other places, the solids were just mixed with the wild and domesticated animal dung. Even today, if I’m away from home, I’ll take a dump in the high grass before I enter a public toilet.
On October 16, 2013 at 12:52 am, Veritas said:
This is actually a repository to feed the Congress critters so that they can supply us with neverending tales of their compassion and worry about America. You are what you eat.
On October 16, 2013 at 5:04 am, DAN III said:
Yo Chuckie….while you took a dump in the great outdoors for all to share, did you carry a small trowel to bury your filth ? Methinks not. You proudly and ignorantly proclaim “the solids were just mixed with the wild…”.
I’ve seen the piles of human feces with the accompanying white, ass-wipe left behind by you environmentalists “in the wild”. THAT is why you use the public restroom when available so as not to contaminate our surroundings with your waste. Either that or along with your emergency ass-wipe carry a small hand trowel.
Seems to me you’re just another inconsiderate, selfish American. Your greatest admirers are certainly the flies you invite to enjoy your “gifts”.
On October 16, 2013 at 6:50 am, Mark said:
Whilst I understand your trepidation in using public toilet facilities, and the use of the great outdoors, I totally agree with Dan III on more that just the level that he is appealing to you at.
Unless you do not care that you and yours can and will be tracked by those Marxist JBT’s that are employed to find and exterminate you, then continue on with your current toileting skills. You will be tracked, found, and dealt with in the most unpleasant way you could possibly imagine. Further, if you end up stepping in someone else’s calling card whilst on the trail, I’m reasonably sure those you are hiking with will not care to be near you. No matter who’s $hit it is it still stinks to high, high heaven.
Happy Trails to You!
On October 16, 2013 at 7:29 am, Mark Matis said:
Might it not be appropriate to leave a pile of “calling cards” directly in front of said restroom doors as a “thank you” for those who have locked them? Unless, of course, there are any surveilance cameras in the area and you are identifiable…
On October 16, 2013 at 7:59 am, Herschel Smith said:
There was a group of people around who were watching me show my disgust for the fed. This was a learning experience for some, an encouraging experience for others. Teaching. That’s what all this was about.
Leaving that sign up and doing what I did was the most instructive thing I could have done around the crowd that was watching me.
On October 16, 2013 at 10:02 am, Paul B said:
I would imagine some of those watching where waiting to use the toilet after you liberated it, had you liberated it.
Personally, I try to leave no trace when in the wild.
On October 16, 2013 at 10:28 am, Herschel Smith said:
It was locked. If I had thought anyone in my family had needed to use the restroom (we didn’t), I would have destroyed the lock. Of course, I wouldn’t post a picture of me destroying the lock. All in good time. You have to be available for use in the future.
On October 16, 2013 at 11:08 am, Chuck said:
For the record, for those who’ve seen my comments on the usual blogs, I am not the phantom shitter who posted above. Nor do I share his disregard for basic sanitation.
On October 17, 2013 at 5:46 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith….your pistol with Cerakote. Did you have the Cerakote applied ? If so, may I ask wjo tje applicator was ? Also, are you pleased with the finished product ? I’m looking to have an old Kimber Pro Carry Cerakoted.