Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
That’s the type of rhetoric anti-gun hive mind “monopoly of violence” zealots like those at the National Coalition to Ban Handguns call “insurrectionist,” sprinkled with words like “treason” and “traitor.” It’s the type of speech that would prompt U.S. News and World report editor and PBS contributor Bonnie Erbe to demand rounding up its practitioners. And citizens like Vanderboegh, and those who cheered and applauded him, are the type of people that “progressive” cartoonist Ted Rall wants declared enemy combatants and bundled off to Bagram, adding “If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it.”
And that’s why it’s important to have guns and ammunition. They can talk all they want. We get to vote, and my vote won’t happen in a voting booth if any of the preceding obtains. David is making a very specific point about how America is subdivided along ideological lines, a point with which none of us can argue. My reaction, of course, is visceral and pedestrian as usual.
David is talking about the reaction to Mike Vanderboegh’s speech at the Alamo. His speech is entitled One Country? Or Two? There is a video of the speech, but I read it – I’m old school. I recommend that you read it even if you listen to it later. It’s must reading.
Mike and David both have earned a debt of gratitude from us for the work they do on our behalf. As a side bar comment, I notice that somebody said to Mike: “After reading a few of your articles, you so self absorbed it has to be shooting out of every opening you have. Change the name of this “blog” to “mikey can’t get enough of himself”. Your a worthless communist, a welfare junkie, and a general waste of human space.”
First of all, I’m reminded of the following comment to me concerning this article: “You are one of the stupidest assholes on the Internet, and Jim Hoft and Bob Owens are on the Internet.” The commenter goaded me about not letting the comment see the light of day. Not only did it see light, I put it up in lights. So if my commenter is right, I’m a bigger asshole than either David or Mike. Second, as for the two country thing, that issue was settled for me a long time ago.
Magpul Industries Corp., the Boulder County-based maker of gun accessories, threatened to pull out of Colorado if new gun-control laws passed. The laws passed in March, but Magpul is still here.
The Boulder Daily Camera reports that it visited Magpul’s Erie headquarters and found the parking lot full of employees’ cars … According to the Camera, some customers have been leaving comments on Magpul’s Facebook page, criticizing it for not yet leaving Colorado as it vowed.
Well, it takes time, but let me be clear about this. Magpul had better be about their business. That’s all I’m going to say right now.
From Michael Bane:
… a local man was attacked by 3 coyotes…he fought them off with a flashlight. As much as I like flashlights, I think there are better anti-coyote strategies … Of course the first recommendation is carry dog/bear spray.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with OC spray. It works very well. But, you know, carry a gun. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
Finally, cops are appealing the decision on their not being allowed to carry guns to NFL games if they’re off duty.
The crackdown on firearms concerns Minneapolis Police Federation President John Delmonico. He believes a call for off-duty officers to give up their weapons at the gate violates an officer’s rights, as determined by state law.
The Minneapolis Police Federation sites state law, Chapter 624, which gives police officers full police powers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In other words, they should be allowed to carry their weapons in any public place in the city.
“State law governs the facts that we can carry our guns off-duty in any public facility and any facility in the city of Minneapolis, which encompasses the dome,” Minneapolis Police Federation’s John Delmonico said.
So, Delmonico drafted a letter to Minnesota’s Attorney General.
They’re up in arms because it’s their Ox being gored. And I have the perfect solution for them. If they firmly believe that they cannot attend the game unarmed without violating their oath, then don’t attend the game at all.
People sometimes pay good money for counsel like that. Should I send a bill to the cops?
On October 23, 2013 at 8:21 am, Paul B said:
Old joke, how can you tell you are following grizzly scat? By all the bear spray cans you find in the scat.
If you are hiking in the back country, or even not so back country, carry a large bore hand gun.
Never know when you might meet up with a predator.