More On Virginia And Guns
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 2 months ago
After months of inattention, Ken Cuccinelli II (R) and Terry McAuliffe (D) have drawn the polarizing issue of guns into the spotlight of the Virginia governor’s race.
For once, a Democrat is talking tough about gun control, as if daring the National Rifle Association to take him on. And gun-rights advocates are all too happy to take him up on the challenge.
It began with the Oct. 24 candidate’s debate at Virginia Tech, the site of the worst mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history. In response to a question, Cuccinelli boasted of his A rating from the NRA.
And then McAuliffe did something surprising: He said he didn’t give a fig about the powerful lobby’s rating. And, oh, by the way, he had earned an F.
As you know, I had advocated making this race all about gun owner’s rights. It appears that someone may finally be listening. And why the NRA and other groups are not heavily involved I really don’t know, but readers in Virginia, you know how to do this.
Letters to the editor, phone calls, Facebook entries, Twitter posts, conversations at church, conversations at work, EMail distribution lists, an so forth. Your liberty is at risk. Get busy, and make sure that ass clown McAuliffe doesn’t become the poster child for “You too can say no to gun rights and still get elected!”
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