Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 2 months ago
Continuing a theme we discussed earlier, David Codrea gives us this good summary of his review of the issue.
The real racists are the ones with evil ulterior motives doing the projecting. Gun rights advocates are not the ones trying to disarm peaceable people of all races — they are.
David also discusses fault lines within the gun rights advocacy community.
“Don’t buy Obamacare insurance just because the government tells you to,” Gun Owners of America advised members and supporters in a Thursday alert. “Don’t buy insurance just because the President tells you to and threatens to fine you if you don’t.”
A civil disobedience stance represents both a landmark step for a national organization as well as a bold departure from the direction taken by other national gun rights groups, particularly the National Rifle Association.
I am of course still a member of the NRA. That doesn’t mean that I agree with every one of their positions. The NRA hasn’t taken a position, as best as I can tell, on whether someone should participate in Obamacare exchanges. If I take David correctly, his use of the word “silence” on the part of the NRA means that they simply haven’t taken a public position. So be it. I’ve issued a warning concerning gun owners and their doctors. Be careful, boys and girls. See also WRSA.
Kurt Hofmann discusses the federal government’s desire to affect state self defense laws such as stand-your-ground.
Even a nodding acquaintance with the Constitution would be sufficient to inform Schumer and Durbin that the federal government has no authority over any state’s self-defense laws. That fact, after all, is one that even their fellow anti-gun Senate Democrat, Barbara Boxer (D-CA), remembers–at least when it does not suit her purposes to forget it. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) evidently shares Durbin’s and Schumer’s wish to require that people under attack be forced by law to run and hide, rather than stand their ground, but seems at least to know that any such change would have to come from the states, rather than Congress.
Of course John McCain opposes stand-your-ground laws. His record is to oppose things good and support things bad. As I’ve said before, don’t trust the Leviathan. They will find a way to impose their will, whether through civil rights laws or interpretations thereof, or the code of federal regulations. You know, don’t you, that these problems will only become rectified when we secede?
Always great to wake up and learn something new! This from Business Insider, everything you ever wanted to know about the AR-15!
Very little separates a civilian AR-15 from the M-16s that are the standard-issue rifle for the American military. The military versions are semi-automatic, but also come with the ability to fire in a three-round burst; this feature is rarely used.Well, who knew? I was handling a modern military M4A1 last Friday morning, and to my uneducated eyes it appeared to be full auto. In fact, I thought the 3-round burst went away when the M4 upgraded to the M4A1. I guess since the President lies on a daily basis, it sets the tone for his busy little bee minions in the media.
Well, the idiot mayor of L.A. stated that the LAX shooter had enough ammunition to “kill everyone in the terminal.” Oh, um, er, well it looks like he had only five magazines. In other reports it has been called an “assault rifle,” but also semi-automatic, which as readers know is a contradiction in terms.
Don’t believe anything you hear in the media, unless it’s about democrats who want to control your soul or republicans who want to sell out to the democrats because they’re fearful, or really just collectivists in their heart of hearts.
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