Two Home Invasions, Two Different Results
BY Herschel Smith
From Instapundit, a gun rights issue at Gonzaga:
SPOKANE, Wash. – Two Gonzaga students are facing possible expulsion from the University after they pulled a weapon in self defense as a six time felon attempted to get into their on campus apartment. According to the student handbook, students may not possess handguns on campus or university owned property.
That’s because the disciplinary board is being immoral. Now to Philadelphia:
Philadelphia Police are searching for two suspects wanted in connection with a violent home invasion Friday night in the city’s Oxford Circle section.
The incident was reported at the 1500 block of Rosalie Street.
Police tell Eyewitness News a 28-year-old woman was tortured in front of her two-year-old daughter and her four-year-old nephew.
Police say a pair of men broke into the back door of this home on Rosalie Street, attacking the people inside including the 28-year-old woman, her two-year-old daughter and four-year-old nephew, her 54-year-old mother and an electrician working at the house.
“These two individuals tied up all the three adults. They tied up their wrists and their ankles,” Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said.
Beating up the electrician in the process, police say the pair started demanding money, something the 28-year-old said she didn’t have. That’s when one of the attackers allegedly picked up a kitchen knife, turned on the stove, and put the blade in the flame.
“And then four separate times burnt the 28-year-old female, burnt her face, both of her arms and her stomach,” Small said.
Still she refused to speak, so the crime went further.
“Then picked up the 28-year-old’s two-year-old daughter and threatened to kill the daughter if she didn’t say where the money was,” Small said.
Finally she caved, and gave up some money she had. So did her mother and the electrician. The pair got away with nearly $4,000.
Notice that the police were there to write their reports, take descriptions and perhaps clean up a little of the mess. And then again perhaps they left the mess to the poor victims. The police aren’t there to protect you, and couldn’t even if they wanted to.
This is the way collectivists and statists would have it. They would rather you be tortured and abused to the point of death than recognize your right to own and use weapons.
Purchase guns and ammunition. Use them to defend yourself and loved ones. If you live in a place that doesn’t allow your ownership of weapons, you are being irresponsible by staying there. Two home invasions, two different outcomes. Which will it be for you?
On November 11, 2013 at 8:58 am, Paul B said:
I’m for A, without the school going bonkers. I think my wife would pick B. Although she has been showing some signs she might be waking up.
On November 11, 2013 at 12:00 pm, Mannie said:
[blockquote]They would rather you be tortured and abused to the point of death than recognize your right to own and use weapons.[/quote]
Of course. People are expendable. Ideology trumps all. Just ask the 100 million killed by Mao in the course of the Great Leap Forward.
The Liberals, the hoplophobes, the gun grabbers are all enabling rape, murder, robbery, and other violent crimes. They do this by inhibiting honest Citizens from having weapons, and by encouraging the criminals. They don’t care if you are raped or murdered. Indeed, they prefer it if you were raped or murdered. They need victims to fuel their ideological agenda.
Notice that the highest crime rates are in cities where gun ownership is most severely restricted: Chicago, New York, DC … Gun ownership in the US is up, and the death rate is down. Guns save lives. But the Liberals worship victims.
It is time to hold the Liberals personally responsible for the crimes they encourage and for the murders they advocate. Make them social pariahs. Call them out and denounce them.
Hey, Gonzaga, how many rapes did you enable, today? How many kids did you kill?
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