Another Installment In The Annals Of Totalitarianism: Texas Drivers Stopped At Roadblock, Asked For Saliva And Blood
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 2 months ago
Fort Worth NBC:
Some drivers along a busy Fort Worth street on Friday were stopped at a police roadblock and directed into a parking lot, where they were asked by federal contractors for samples of their breath, saliva and even blood.
It was part of a government research study aimed at determining the number of drunken or drug-impaired drivers.
“It just doesn’t seem right that you can be forced off the road when you’re not doing anything wrong,” said Kim Cope, who said she was on her lunch break when she was forced to pull over at the roadblock on Beach Street in North Fort Worth.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is spending $7.9 million on the survey over three years, said participation was “100 percent voluntary” and anonymous.
But Cope said it didn’t feel voluntary to her — despite signs saying it was.
“I gestured to the guy in front that I just wanted to go straight, but he wouldn’t let me and forced me into a parking spot,” she said.
Once parked, she couldn’t believe what she was asked next.
“They were asking for cheek swabs,” she said. “They would give $10 for that. Also, if you let them take your blood, they would pay you $50 for that.”
At the very least, she said, they wanted to test her breath for alcohol.
She said she felt trapped.
“I finally did the Breathalyzer test just because I thought that would be the easiest way to leave,” she said, adding she received no money.
Fort Worth police earlier said they could not immediately find any record of officer involvement but police spokesman Sgt. Kelly Peel said Tuesday that the department’s Traffic Division coordinated with the NHTSA on the use of off-duty officers after the agency asked for help with the survey.
“We are reviewing the actions of all police personnel involved to ensure that FWPD policies and procedures were followed,” he said. “We apologize if any of our drivers and citizens were offended or inconvenienced by the NHTSA National Roadside Survey.”
NBC DFW confirmed that the survey was done by a government contractor, the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which is based in Calverton, Md.
A company spokeswoman referred questions to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
An agency spokeswoman sent an email confirming the government is conducting the surveys in 30 cities across the country in an effort to reduce impaired-driving accidents.
She did not respond to another email from NBC DFW asking specific questions about the program..
But a Fort Worth attorney who is an expert in civil liberties law questioned whether such stops are constitutional.
“You can’t just be pulled over randomly or for no reason,” said attorney Frank Colosi.
He also noted the fine print on a form given to drivers informs them their breath was tested by “passive alcohol sensor readings before the consent process has been completed.”
“They’re essentially lying to you when they say it’s completely voluntary, because they’re testing you at that moment,” Colosi said.
This is clearly a violation of the Texas Constitution, Article 1, Section 9. The Governor of Texas should immediately have the perpetrators of this crime arrested and imprisoned, make prosecutors available for the crafting of felony charges, and make it clear to all such federal employees that if they do not cease and desist in said activities there is a place in the state penitentiary for them among the general population. So where is the Governor of Texas on this?
UPDATE: David Codrea weighs in.
“What’s this “100 percent voluntary”? What right did you have to pull people over and detain them in the first damn place?
And if someone doesn’t pull over, or indignantly asks you that if he does, will you use that as “probable cause” to escalate the “continuum of force,” up to and including murdering him for resisting being taken hostage, and chalking it all up to “established department protocols” because you wanted to “make it home at the end of your shift” — as if everybody else doesn’t, too?”
On November 20, 2013 at 8:54 am, Paul B said:
Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss. Give a politician and inch and they run till they are in jail.
On November 20, 2013 at 8:16 pm, slobyskya rotchikokov said:
They ‘apologize’ for ‘inconvenience”????
Apologies mean nothing – the cop is just imitating his messiah, Obongo – so i say,
SUE the Nazi bastards; sue the department, sue the individuals, sue the Hell out of every one of them and let them goose-step back to their station house and sing the blues to each other. More and more cops act like Nazi Gestapo punks, and then they want citizens to shed tears each time a cop gets shot? Do they ever wonder WHY people have such contempt for them?
On November 22, 2013 at 1:35 pm, Ned said:
This is an example of the “few bad apples” analogy applied when a police officer harms someone. Obviously, this was just another example of the “few bad apples” all being in the same place at once.
Anyone who believes that police won’t go door to door – if ordered to do so – to seize your guns, just keep believing in the tired “few bad apples” myth.
On January 21, 2014 at 11:51 pm, James McGwuire said:
This comment is a few months late but I had to say something. Americans need to limit police power, yes indeed. I don’t think it’s fair to say all cops are bad but the fact that they have to mindlessly follow orders can undermine democracy just as politicians with utopian visions need to be stopped, overaggressive policing needs to be stopped. Americans are so complacent when it comes to authority, especially with the police. If Americans are to live in a free society, then police actions need to protect freedom first, and everything is should come second. This won’t always be an ideal situation but we live in a country where freedom is under assault. I’m glad to here some Texans are concerned about police power, as I am very interested in visiting and even possibly living in this state. I live in New York City at the present time and there are too many people here who would agree with what these officers did because it helps increase “safety.”