Concerning The Daniel Defense Super Bowl Commercial
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 1 month ago
So the NFL won’t allow the Daniel Defense Super Bowl commercial (see also National Review).
Now I am no defender of the NFL. The state of professional football is horrible and the NFL is an overbearing Robber Barron (who prosecutes churches for putting games on a large screen [also a bad idea]). It has become a game of coaches calling plays in from the sideline rather than quarterbacks being field generals and reading the defense. For starters, the NFL could attempt to recover some of the historical game by banning electronic communications devices used between coaches and players.
Furthermore, any commercial as good as that one deserves to be aired. But I won’t be purchasing any Daniel Defense firearms any time soon. A quick look at their products shows that they are roughly equivalent with Rock River Arms, but RRA’s cost is about 50%-60% of Daniel Defense.
But here is another perspective for you. I also won’t go out of my way to advocate a firearms company that has a special financing package for their guns if purchased by LEOs. Either LEOs are special, in which case they should get special deals, or they’re not.
If they’re not and it really matters that common citizens like me should be able to defend their families like the commercial indicates DD believes, they why don’t they offer this “special” financing to everyone? And if the commercial indicates what DD really thinks, then why offer the special deal to LEOs?
On December 3, 2013 at 9:04 am, Paul B said:
LEO’s are the politically correct persons to be armed. No one else but they.
Daniel Defense was overpriced years ago.
I do not think the commercial should be blocked. They broadcast anyone’s commercial who has the dross to be aired. All the local stations have some air time to sell during the superbowl. maybe DD needs to go local instead of what they are trying to do.
On December 6, 2013 at 3:38 pm, Ned said:
Herschel – I valid points on a variety of subjects.
Regarding the Daniel Defense commercial, I have a slightly different take.
While I abhor vendors selling to Only Ones for a discount – to the obvious detriment of mere mundanes, I think the commercial is a bit of genius.
Because many folks don’t understand what a semi auto is, or how it works, due to the plethora of consistent disinformation from Authorized Urinalists,Daniel Defense’s proposed “Stupid Bowl” commercial is a bit of politically correct brilliance.
We “learn” from the MSM that only military and police should have access to these tools.
They depict a veteran owning one of these guns as the best tool for the job.
Seem to me that it gives the sporting rifle platform a boost in the public eye.
I may be wrong, and have supported vendors who won’t sell to Police in states that have trashed the rights of “We the People.”
However, in this case, it may be a tiny step towards making sporting rifles just a little less sinister, and less menacing to the average sheep.
On December 6, 2013 at 3:43 pm, Ned said:
WTF_ I accidentally submitted before finished. Ignore above incomprehensible comment. I’ll try again:
Herschel – I always appreciate the valid points you make on every subject.
Regarding the Daniel Defense commercial, I have a slightly different take.
While I abhor vendors selling to Only Ones for a discount – to the obvious detriment of us mere mundanes, I think the commercial is a bit of genius.
Because many folks don’t understand what a semi auto is, or how it works, due to the plethora of consistent disinformation from Authorized Urinalists,Daniel Defense’s proposed “Stupid Bowl” commercial is a bit of politically correct brilliance.
We “learn” from the MSM that only military and police should have access to these tools.
They depict a veteran owning one of these guns as the best tool for the job.
Seems to me that it gives the sporting rifle platform a boost in the public eye.
I may be wrong, and have consistently supported vendors who won’t sell to Police in states that have trashed the rights of “We the People.” I appreciate being treated the same as “only ones.”
However, in this case, it may be a tiny step towards making sporting rifles just a little less sinister, and less menacing to the average sheep.
I just wish DD wouldn’t follow the Only Ones discount some vendors and manufacturers choose.
On December 6, 2013 at 3:51 pm, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
According to Karl Denninger, DD played the NFL for fools, and used the entire thing as a promotional stunt, knowing before-hand they’d get refused.
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“You see, Daniel Defense is a little company. How little? Not much larger than MCSNet was in its hayday — best estimates are that it has about $12 million in annual revenue.
So with a 30-second Superbowl commercial costing about $4 million, exactly how was this company going to pay for it?
That’s easy — they weren’t because they couldn’t. They most-certainly weren’t going to put ~30% of their annual revenues into one 30 second commercial.
No way, no how.
But by “submitting” the ad (if they did) and getting it “denied” (if they did) they got for free what they couldn’t afford to pay for — an association with the NFL and professional football.”
On December 6, 2013 at 4:16 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I had wondered about that and suspected the very thing you say. Good strategy for publicity. Very nicely done.
I still won’t be buying any DD weapons. I might consider LaRue Tactical, but they’re pricey too. It’s probably RRA for me.
You can’t beat quality and price in the same package.
On December 7, 2013 at 1:31 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
Yeah I have no horse in the game, just noticed Denninger’s take in my other surfing and remembered what you’d wrote earlier on the subject, thought I’d share the insight. With the exception of my XD’s, my weapons pre-date Carter.
On December 7, 2013 at 1:34 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
PS: You can blame my brother and nephew for the Springfields. I adamantly refused to try a “crappy plastic gun” until they bought me an XD9 as a retirement gift.
Then I was hooked… had to get it a friend in .45… then a subcompact to keep them from getting lonely… then I saw the XDM…
Damn new fangled things creative people keep building.