Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 1 month ago
Against armed sociopaths, unarmed protection is severely limited, and New Jersey gun laws ensure the advantage goes to the predators.
Like I discussed here, you can contrast that with shall issue states. The picture is stark and self explanatory. Gun control laws are unsafe. They prevent people from doing their duty of defending themselves and their loved ones. Thus they are all evil.
What is immediately noticeable is a total absence of anyone even remotely sympathetic to an individual and uninfringed right to keep and bear arms having a position of influence in the seminar. While some with an eye toward safeguarding America’s unique intended protections may attend to keep apprised of the latest developments, others with a less tolerant and patent view of meddling internationalists plotting to undermine their rights …
I’ve covered their meddling here. To me this is simple. If I won’t allow the U.S. federal government to steal my firearms, I certainly won’t allow foreign bodies – armed or not – to do the same. Case closed. If you want conflict, bring it. ‘Nuff said.
Comparing gun control to the Holocaust is one of a number of faulty and offensive analogies the gun rights movement has used to illegitimize [sic] gun reform measures.
Kurt is covering the progressive Jewish reaction to the use of the holocaust to assess gun control measures. I saw this too and hadn’t commented on it, and Mr. Abraham Foxman says to us, “No matter how strong one’s objections are to a policy or how committed an organization is to its mission, invoking the Holocaust to score political points is offensive and has no place in civil discourse.” Well, let me respond by saying that a hit dog always yelps, and if the comparison is valid, I’ll make it any time I want. Oh, and don’t tell me what to do, Mr. Foxman.
Uncle notes that Mayors against guns merges with Moms Demand Action. I see this as a sign of weakness rather than strength. Sort of like when Ansar al Sunna merged with al Qaeda in Iraq when both began to lose to the U.S. Marines deployed in the Anbar Province. Did I just really make that comparison? I guess I did. So be it.
“He has given his life to the community,” Owens said in court. “I’m not sure how much more punishment is actually appropriate.” [More]Maybe you could find instances where someone without a badge has “accidentally” shot a cop and that would give you a pretty good benchmark…
Gave his life to the community? You mean to tell me that he didn’t get paid for his work all of those years? He did it all for free?
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