Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
Yet even the so-called “gun rights” media has been ignoring the story, apart from David Codrea, Kurt Hofmann and Anthony Martin.
I wouldn’t have expected the “prags” to cover it, of course. I have always made them nervous and occasionally, apoplectic. But there are others who I would have expected some coverage out of. Nada.
I’m not sure if I’m considered so-called gun rights media, but I’ve tried to send folks Mike’s direction and provide a brief bit of commentary here and here. Mike is a semi-daily stop for me, as is Codrea, and you should spend a few minutes there every day yourself.
Regarding the “prags,” my experiences is somewhat different. My article GOP Ready To Cave On Gun Control was linked by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit. Sebastian responded with Is The GOP Preparing To Cave? The reason I know that it was a response to my article is that it was published after mine, and none of the organic links had any title even approaching “GOP Ready To Cave.” This is what Sebastian said:
My big fear is that stories like this encourage the fatalistic among us, who will then fail to act because they think this is already a done deal, and nothing they do or say will matter. Let’s be focused on the real threats, and not rumors of threats, created by people who are drawing, to be charitable, questionable conclusions.
I don’t need Sebastian’s charity when I’m right, and I turned out right. Cantor and Ryan pushed universal background checks, just like two GOP Senators are even now trying to push an unwarranted and intrusive expansion of mental health checks. I know what Sebastian was thinking. He wasn’t remembering the Barnhardt axiom (via WRSA). At any rate, Sebastian responded to me without even linking my article and sending traffic my way, of course, unlike me where I follow proper internet protocol. Bad form, I thought. Still do. The prags ignore Mike. They respond to me without even linking.
Running as an independent after being turned down for consideration by NRA’s nominating committee, Colandro promises to be the type of director capable of shaking up paid staff’s heretofore unbreakable grip on the board, paving the way for other candidates who would reform management policies away from an unsettling trend of offering compromises, political deal-making, and questionable political ratings …
David gives me a good reason to renew NRA membership, if for nothing more than to support folks like this. As a nugget of gold, there is also a brief discussion on national right to carry in David’s article.
I have never asked anyone to give my views any more weight because of my stint in the Army, and I will never claim that a person who has never served is therefore less qualified to comment on gun rights and “gun control.” Military service, past or present, plays no role in one’s authority on the issue of the right to keep and bear arms …
Oh, the progressives don’t really believe that as they claim. They just believe that for cases like Robert Bateman because Bateman agrees with their view of gun control. They don’t listen to those who have had military service and who disagree with their views, and they would just as soon throw Bateman under the bus when he’s finished pimping for them. And military service doesn’t any more exclusively qualify one to comment on guns than it does for him to comment on driving a car because he drives away from the base for the weekend.
NSA phone spying is useless in preventing terrorist attacks. But of course, that isn’t the point or purpose of the phone spying, is it?
On a different note, looks like another booger hook on the bang switch thing.
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