Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 12 months ago
As is typical with such publications, it only looks at (less than) half of the equation, disregarding the substantial number of defensive gun uses that occur each year …
David is on the case of that presumed “study” that concluded you are at risk for suicide if you own weapons, with no increase in personal security. I’m glad David had the patience to undo the silliness in the report, since I usually skip past reports like this in a few seconds. Listen folks. I work engineering and science for a living. When someone tells you that “science proves …,” or “science demonstratrates …,” take it with a grain of salt (and usually ignore it). Like I have said before. If you want me to give a report on science or engineering the time of day, get a registered professional engineer to prepare the calculations, seal the work with his PE seal, and send it to me for review. Otherwise you’re just wasting my time.
There’s another consideration, a speculation really, as information is sketchy: While ATF is prohibited by law from creating a database of gun owners, it appears federal power can trump state safeguards on medical marijuana records …
Well, you know what I have to say about that! Federal regulation should NEVER be able to trump state laws on anything. And oh, by the way, get cancer, and you may lose your guns. Kurt Hofmann is also covering this issue.
That last sentence is where the entire counterargument falls apart. No one seriously asserts a right to “murder, rape, and thieve out of self-defense.” Murder, rape and theft are all intrinsically evil acts, which violate the rights of others, and there is therefore no “right” to commit them–for anyone.
Kurt is dealing with one of the classical objections to our objections to more gun laws. Kurt’s thinking is my thinking exactly. But there are already laws against murder rape and kidnapping. Making more doesn’t change things.
Daniel Greenfield (via WRSA):
Mayor Bloomberg flubbed the snow challenge badly. Instead of preparing road salt, he banned salt in restaurants. Instead of having a snow strategy for the winter, he had a Global Warming strategy for the next fifty years. Instead of doing his job, he kept trying to transform the people.
And his successor is no better.
Bill de Blasio’s focus after his petty and mean-spirited inauguration was a ban on carriage horses in Central Park at the behest of a real estate developer who backed his campaign and has his eye on their stables, a tussle over who will get the credit for Pre-K with Governor Cuomo and the beating of Kang Wong, an 84-year-old man, over a jaywalking ticket.
I think it’s awesome. New Yorkers elected him. Now. Live with the consequences.
Daily Caller reports on Castle Rock repealing their ban on open carry. Good for them.
On January 25, 2014 at 3:47 pm, Josh said:
Washington state does not place any limitations on gun ownership or even concealed carry for those that use cannabis with or without a medical purpose.
It’s time for the FDA to remove cannabis entirely from the Controlled Substances Schedule.
When is the last time you heard of someone smoke cannabis and then beat their wife, much less shoot someone? Now replace ‘cannabis’ with ‘alcohol’ in that sentence.
On January 26, 2014 at 1:33 am, Daniel said:
Interesting study done by university of Georgia school of veterinarian science… Veterinarians have one of the highest suicide rates in America. So I guess that means the federal gov. Should stop letting pharmacies sell drugs to veterinarians because that will fix the problem right?