Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 11 months ago
“Has the NSA Wiretapping Violated Attorney-Client Privilege? … has anyone considered that DOJ may be actively getting attorney client and defense strategy from these spying programs?
David is investigating whether the NSA spying programs are using surreptitious and underhanded interpretations of the Sixth Amendment to do an end run around the constitution. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, and as I’ve said before, the NSA is full of traitors. I do not believe for even a single second that an al Qaeda attack or Tehrik-i-Taliban attack in the states has been prevented with these methods. If so, prove it. And even if so, you cannot convince me that it’s necessary to violate the rights of U.S. citizens in order to effect these ends.
The Children’s Rights Amendment, or the CRA, would allow a more solid legal foundation to so-called [sic] counterbalance the interpretation of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Kurt is doing some forensic work to track down the roots of some traitorous behavior.
Speaking of traitorous behavior, Mike Vanderboegh is absolutely wearing out traitor Mike Lawlor, the henchman in Connecticut who is threatening citizens with forcible disarmament and prison over the recent gun laws. See Mike’s posts here and here. Reading these articles made me chuckle a bit. I’m glad I’m not on Mike’s bad side.
Speaking of chuckling a bit, take note of the proposed changes to Massachusetts gun laws to make them look even more like Connecticut gun laws – as if more needs to be done.
Finally, see Uncle’s dumb quote of the day. And his response? “You’re right! Tomorrow, you might be on the street corner giving knob jobs for a few bucks. So, we should preemptively ban use of your mouth since you might do something illegal with it. And because you use it to say dumb shit.”
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