Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
A response from ATF implied that ATF had no intention of posting comments it felt did not meet all of its criteria, including those not accompanied by a complete mailing address. Even so, comment suppression appears to extend beyond that.
I wish I could say that this surprises me, but it doesn’t. My experience is that the federal regulators can be treated as a monolith. From the ATF to the EPA, DOE, DoJ and so on, not a single agency really cares about your comments. They find you to be a nuisance.
Illegal drug activity or not, though, Magee has a fundamental human right to protect himself and his pregnant girlfriend from violent, armed home invaders, and Magee’s claim that that is precisely what he thought was happening apparently convinced the grand jury.
Oddly, in another recent story, we are told that the purpose of “no-knock” raids is “officer safety,” after a SWAT team raided an Ankeny, Iowa house (on suspicion of credit card fraud, of all things …
The police aren’t interested in the safety of citizens. If they were they would achieve their ends by doing good detective work and arresting perpetrators when there is no danger to themselves or the citizens. They want to be Soldier-boys who dress up and go shooting and wear cool gear and stuff. And the only thing I have to prove to a jury is that in an age of home invaders dressing in LEO uniforms and yelling “Police,” I have no way to ascertain who the invaders are. The only way I have to keep my family safe is to assume that they are criminals. And LEOs who do this are in fact criminals, even if Judges approve of their actions.
Take a look at Mike Vanderboegh’s recent entry on Mike Lawless (um, excuse me, Mike Lawlor). Do you think the KGB will show an interest? With Mike’s relentless attention to this ne’er do well, perhaps it will begin to make a dent in the armor of the collectivists. After all, light scatters the darkness.
From Uncle, this piece on whether there is a 9mm that matches the ballistics of a .45. Um, sorry, but I’m a registered professional engineer. Give me the data, and I’ll apply Newton to the information. And it will fail the test. I am not invoking a 9mm versus .45 debate here, but don’t tell me that they’re the same thing (not that Uncle is trying to do that). They’re not.
On February 11, 2014 at 3:20 pm, robertsgunshop said:
I regularly carry a 1911. At the present time, I don’t even own a 9mm. There’s just something about a fat slow bullet I like.