I’ll Live In Gun Control New York When Hell Freezes Over
BY Herschel Smith
Or, as one member of the range put it, “When it comes to gun laws, there’s the whole country, and then there’s New York.” While that may be a slight exaggeration, New York is indeed the polar opposite of lax states like Utah, Alaska, and Arizona, and is arguably the toughest in the country to own a gun. Here, no one is actually entitled to possess a firearm, at least not until the police give the go-ahead.
“Your right can never be taken away from you,” continued Leung, “but your privilege can be revoked at any given time. The NYPD is the licensing entity. They can add any kinds of stipulations they want. And they don’t have to explain why.”
It makes sense to keep guns on a short leash, Leung acknowledges, because “you want people to realize this is not a toy …
As we were talking, a middle-aged man in a grey suit who was carrying a black plastic case sat down at the table next to us. He unlocked it, removed a 9mm Beretta and nonchalantly placed the pistol on the table. Then he took out a box of bullets and started loading them into a magazine, one by one.
First a comment about putting a “box of bullets” on the table and filling his magazine. They weren’t “bullets,” they were cartridges. Second, this is extremely bad form. No magazines get loaded until on range, with weapons pointed downrange. This is true of everywhere I shoot, many places. They have no concept of range safety.
Second, this range owner is a sad testimony to the mentality of pitiful New Yorkers who unwisely rely on the police for protection they cannot (and have no intention to) provide. The police have usurped God’s authority, who commands the ability of self defense and defense of the little ones.
If the police have usurped God’s authority, the people have abdicated their responsibility and duty before the Almighty. They will answer for that one awful day, along with collectivists who put them in that position to begin with. Evil with the one doesn’t obviate the other. I’m sorry for my New York readers who are good, honest folk and who don’t live in NYC. But if you’re like this range owner, you deserve everything you get.
Hell will freeze over before I ever abdicate my God-given rights to own guns to a cop or judge. Oh, and since I haven’t mentioned it in a few weeks, to Remington, Kimber and any other gun manufacturer in the empire state: why are you still there?
What will it take with you? My most recent rifle purchase was a Winchester Model 70 rather than a Remington 700. My Model 70 will be made right down the road from me in Columbia, S.C.
On February 25, 2014 at 2:56 am, Steve Parker, M.D. said:
By coincidence, I just added the Winchester Model 70 to my wish list of potential deer/elk rifles. http://paleodiabetic.com/2012/08/25/deer-rifles/