Human Nature: The Horror Of It All
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 11 months ago
The University of Iowa president has apologized for a remark she made to the student newspaper about sex assaults on campus.
In an interview published Feb. 18 in The Daily Iowan, President Sally Mason said she was dismayed by the reports of sexual assaults. She said “the goal would be to end that, to never have another sexual assault. That’s probably not a realistic goal just given human nature, and that’s unfortunate. …”
Criticism erupted over the phrase that includes “human nature.”
The Iowa City Press-Citizen says Mason apologized during a President’s Forum on Tuesday.
Mason said she’s been told by several people in the campus community that her remark was hurtful. She said she was “very, very sorry for any pain that my words might have caused.”
Or in other words, man is a tabula rasa and all of his malfeasance and failure to conform is about our failure to socialize him and provide him opportunities for engagement in the political discourse and meaningful labor. I know that from my college coursework, and I just forgot for a moment. Please forgive me, please forgive me, please forgive me.
And make sure that you don’t drop out of your master’s programs in social work. It really does matter. You’ll learn that in your college courses.
On February 27, 2014 at 9:14 pm, Paul B said:
That is what made me realize that dating women’s libbers was a dead end. They where bug shit nuts them. Time has not improved them.
On March 2, 2014 at 2:35 pm, David Eckel said:
My late father had a Masters in social work, and was well respected by those who knew him. When I had to take my first sociology course, he sat me down and cautioned me that I would be introduced to six competing theories about human society, and it was all useless based upon his long experience. Sure enough, six theories, each with major flaws, and somehow I was to cobble them all together into some coherent picture. Having said this, I fail to recall anything which would have led to such a useless protest over the term “human nature.” I guess they think that the assaults were perpetrated by Men who had not been properly… trained? programmed? “educated”?
Just don’t impose my beliefs on THEM!