Questions Grow Over Armatix ‘Smart Guns’
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 10 months ago
In a related development, this column has been following up on what should be a larger concern for gun owners, and that is how the Armatix pistol made it on to California’s “safe handgun roster” without incorporating microstamping technology months after the state certified it was a requirement for all new semi-automatic handguns listed.
Because laws are for little people. I suspect that regardless of what the law says, gun haters in California were able to slip this one in because they consider it a good trade. They give up microstamping, and in return they get the ability to control forevermore the ability to sell or gift a firearm. David will eventually find out and tell us.
Also see David’s article for the information on Armatix support for global disarmament efforts. You should never purchase anything from this company. They are in bed with the totalitarians.
Finally concerning California, I am reminding you that I still haven’t heard anything back from Smith & Wesson on whether they will continue to supply handguns that have not been microstamped to California LEOs while they don’t sell at all to California residents.
It gripes my ass that this double standard exists. Laws aren’t for the little people. Smith & Wesson shouldn’t sell at all in California, including to LEOs.
Speaking of double standards, were you aware that LEOs are exempt in Connecticut from its newest gun bans, and can have AR-15s along with standard capacity magazines – for their personal use? No, not for on-duty use, but for personal use and protection?
Well, you know now. This was the bribe that the Connecticut legislature made to the LEOs to get their cooperation in enforcing the law.
Prior: Smart Guns Tag
On March 10, 2014 at 11:39 am, Ned Weatherby said:
No response is still a response. I think most Bill of Rights supporters know exactly what their position is. S&W has responded by default.
On March 10, 2014 at 2:50 pm, Randy Townsend said:
When S&W was dealt with harshly (and appropriately) by gun owners several years ago, they learned the lesson that to keep the $ flowing, it is their best interest to suck up to government goon agencies. Hence…
On March 11, 2014 at 12:28 pm, Barry Hirsh said:
“It gripes my ass that this double standard exists. Laws aren’t for the little people. Smith & Wesson shouldn’t sell at all in California, including to LEOs.”
Indeed. Ronnie Barrett is the pioneer of this principled approach.
On March 11, 2014 at 2:56 pm, jj said:
Been ready to purchase a M&P9C. Won’t purchase it until S&W makes a stand. If they don’t, then that’s a statement to me, and that statement is: purchase from another manufacturer. I want a manufacturer who respects and values the Second Amendment. It’s starting to look like S&W may need remedial training on who their customers actually are and what happens when you don’t respect your customer base.