Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 10 months ago
“ATF carried out these storefront sting operations across the country, from Oregon to Florida, and utilized deplorable tactics including exploiting mentally disabled individuals to generate business and later arresting them, setting up storefronts near schools, and even losing high-powered firearms … “It is surprising that failures such as Operation Fearless in Milwaukee occurred despite this enhance oversight from ATF leadership”
I would rather have thought that it was specifically because of this enhanced leadership that these things occurred. Of course, this feature of the system isn’t a bug. It’s by design.
There is perhaps a compromise to be found here for people living under such laws. Defy those laws, obtain the “illegal” guns–even if you have to make them yourself in order to do so. Don’t register them (obviously)–perhaps even convert the registration forms into atmospheric carbon, just to get the “progressives” still more hot under the collar. But also maintain at least one “legal” AR-15, even if doing so requires odd gadgetry like the ARMagLock and the “SAFE Act”-compliant stock–just to let the other side know that however many gun ban laws they come up with, they’re still being outsmarted, and people are still buying AR-15s (which can, after all, be quickly converted to full capability).
Kurt cites me and I appreciate the attention. Let’s be clear. When I referred to the silly modified AR-15 as an abomination, I did so because it mocked Eugene Stoner’s intent to prevent a couple about the firing hand when it is used by placing all of the force on the same axis as the chamber. I do hate it so when Mr. Stoner turns in his grave. I admire him so, and feel his pain when he hurts.
Maybe Kurt has something, and I don’t mind ways to insult silly rules and keep our freedoms. But take note. One compromise here, another there, and the anti-gun zealots won’t be mollified. They’re just emboldened.
WRSA has a great quote by C.S. Lewis that is a must read. Sometimes I don’t think commenters understand what’s being said. One implies that Lewis was a conventional conservative, statists who “mean well” but ending up harming us. Not so fast. Read a little deeper man.
The modern State exists not to protect our rights but to do us good or make us good — anyway, to do something to us or to make us something. Hence the new name ‘leaders’ for those who were once ‘rulers’. We are less their subjects than their wards, pupils, or domestic animals.
Lewis isn’t pitying the statists because they’re screw-ups who are trying to do good. He is saying that their world and life view is different, leading them to different value judgments. Their whole concept of good and bad, right and wrong, is different that yours or mine. Or to cite Alvin Plantinga, their very of what’s logical is different than mine because of differences in world view. This leads to different value judgments.
Go read Mike Vanderboegh’s latest letter to the legislatures of New Jersey and Rhode Island.
The firearm owners of your respective states tell me that you are busy men and women with short attention spans so I will try to make this brief …
Some things are just priceless.
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