Department Of Homeland Security Targets Americans
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 10 months ago
Infowars (Alex Jones’ outfit) has to be taken with a grain of salt, or several grains of salt, and routinely ignored unless they have hard evidence for their assertions (and given that they don’t do analysis of said evidence because their analysis is routinely faulty). But this time they have a zinger. The Department of Homeland Security is targeting Americans. We all knew that anyway, but this adds detail to the charges because there is a leaked DHS document
The document (PDF) was leaked by an individual affiliated with Stewart Rhodes’ Oathkeepers organization and passed on to Infowars. It is entitled National Exercise Program – Capstone Exercise 2014 – Scenario Ground Truth.
The document is intended for “U.S. Department of Homeland Security Trusted Agents Only” and is “disseminated only on a
need-to-know basis.” Even the role players involved in the exercise itself are prohibited from seeing the files.The exercise is designed to evaluate readiness in preparation for a catastrophic incident, natural disaster or major act of terrorism. Some of the scenarios which will be in play during the exercise include a series of earthquakes, tsunamis and a nuclear weapons accident.
On page 125 of the document, a scenario is outlined whereby a group calling itself “Free Americans against Socialist Tyranny” responds to “The U.S. Northern Command mission of Defense Support to Civil Authorities” (or the imposition of martial law) by launching a protest campaign on social media and potentially engaging in cyber attacks.
The scenario goes on to suspect members of North Command of being sympathetic to the cause of opposition to socialist tyranny. This document is remarkable for a number of reasons, but let’s rehearse just a few.
First of all, as I’ve observed before, while the DHS, Northern Command and all sorts of other armed agents in the service of the rulers think they are with the “in” crowd, they aren’t. The effete, entitled, elitist sophisticates see them as Neanderthals. Brutish and evil, but a necessary evil if the state is to function to maintain two classes of people. To the rulers the gun-toting, government paid troopers are knuckle-dragging monkeys who do their bidding. The rulers don’t love them or even like them.
Second, this is what happens when so-called “conservatives” create unnecessary and bloated government programs like the DHS. Socialists like Obama put layer upon layer on top of those government programs to ensure power in perpetuity. It’s best not to create those government programs – ever.
Third, notice the paranoia. There are patriots who disagree with socialism, and they are the enemy. Worse still, there are those in Northern Command who – gasp – might just agree with them. The threat isn’t the Taliban, or al Qaeda, or the Muslim Brotherhood, or the Chinese, or the Russians. The real threat is inside of America, and not only that, but inside of the DHS and military structure as well.
Fourth, notice what the disagreement is over: government control, which not coincidentally is what the original America revolution was about. One wonders if that irony is lost on the morons who created this scenario.
Fifth, this is apparently what happens when a large, bored land army has nothing more to do, at least, one who has lost its moral bearings. They begin to worry over things like stability operations in the homeland, about internal threats, and about ludicrous scenarios like “extremist militias” taking over the government of Darlington, South Carolina.
Finally, this is simply as creepy as I can imagine. We pay people good wages to watch us, to investigate us, to spy on us, and to monitor our comings and goings. Forgive an engineer’s perspective on this, but it seems to me that these folks ought to be earning a technical degree and making a better widget. Thus would they be adding to theirs wealth and the wealth of others. But they’re not. They are parasites on Americans, the very ones they are supposed to watch.
Just like local LEOs who behave abusively towards the people, they are in danger of losing the “mandate of heaven.” When they do, they will have lost everything because the respect of the people is tied to moral certitude and justification. To folks in the DHS and Northern Command, think hard about those things. Those ideas have visitation with you and haunt you in the future.
On March 25, 2014 at 8:50 am, Paul B said:
Just finished Matt Brakens trilogy. That was a sobering read if there ever was one.
DHS/ATF/IRS need to be disbanded now. They can only be reformed if and when some mechanism is put in place where bureau get a straight up or down vote for their continued existence by the electorate.
On March 25, 2014 at 11:39 am, Archer said:
I recently finished Matt Bracken’s Enemies trilogy, too. I maintain that the scariest part is not what could happen, but how little needs to change for it to be a real possibility; i.e. how close we already are. (Also, what ever happened to Ranya’s Tennyson target pistol, or the rest of her father’s cache?)
I disagree with DHS/ATF/IRS need to be disbanded. (Don’t get me wrong; I’m not against the idea – hear me out.) I do think they need to have their claws and teeth removed. They can remain as regulatory (rule-making) bureaus, but remove their agents’ arrest and prosecutorial powers, and maybe put them under the purview of the legislative branch instead of the executive, which would provide direct Congressional oversight, with no “Executive Privilege” cop-outs. I’d even be OK with removing their agents’ permission to routinely carry weapons on the job – the IRS in particular does not need para-military SWAT teams to go after tax evaders, and if taxation is controlled by the House of Representatives, it makes sense that the agency charged with collecting taxes be under House control with Senate oversight.
Bottom line: The American People do not need multiple federal executive-branch law-enforcement agencies to oversee them, especially if each has different “rules of engagement.”
On March 25, 2014 at 2:40 pm, Paul B said:
I would concur on the removal of the armed enforcement. they need to use the local sheriff if muscle is needed to enforce their diktats. I still think an up and down vote on them is still needed as I do not thing the legislature could control them.
As to Ranya’s pistol, in the second novel you start with her in prison. I am sure the pistol would have been left behind as flying would have had more TSA at that point. Course Matt doesn’t mention TSA in the book so who knows. I am sure the pistols where scrubbed when she wound up in jail.
Course she did end up with a good 45 so I suppose that could be a wash.
On March 26, 2014 at 6:49 am, butch said:
This is why the Founding Fathers specified Congress would raise an Army (as needed) and maintain a Navy. They knew a large standing Army was a threat to liberty.