Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 10 months ago
Uncle discusses a judge discussing the ATF making crime their mission instead of doing their job:
The time has come to remind the Executive Branch that the Constitution charges it with law enforcement — not crime creation. A reverse-sting operation like this one transcends the bounds of due process and makes the Government the oppressor of its people.
To LEOs, I told you so.
It’s what Mike Vanderboegh calls losing the mandate of heaven. At one time in our history, constables were respected and admired. Children wanted to talk to them, show them respect, and even be like them. Nowadays, with enough rifles pointed at women and children while screaming obscenities, with enough dead animals, with enough abuse and danger from cops, it may not be long before the people turn on cops. If you’re a cop, you don’t want that to happen. Believe me. You don’t want that to happen. You want to maintain the “mandate of heaven.” If you lose it, you’ve lost everything.
Mike Vanderboegh believes that Chris Christie is playing Russian Roulette with his presidential aspirations with this potential magazine ban. I don’t think so. Wait until Chris Christie attempts to play his loud mouth, overbearing, schoolyard bully routine down South, say in South Carolina or Alabama, where we don’t get into meddling jerks bossing us around. Chris Christie will never be president, regardless of what he does in New Jersey.
Mike Vanderboegh relates RI state senator Josh Miller winning friends and influencing people. To gun owners, he says, Go fuck yourself.
Perhaps surprisingly, in 2005, both chambers of the Illinois legislature introduced HB 477/SB 44, the “Gun-free Zone Criminal Conduct Liability Act,” and this legislation was far from toothless …
There’s no “perhaps.” I’m shocked, really. If someone would have asked me when Illinois would have a provision like this, I would have said “not in my lifetime.” I would have been wrong.
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