Bureau Of Land Management Versus Cliven Bundy Post Mortem
BY Herschel Smith
I had previously mentioned that I would not weigh in on Cliven Bundy. I usually like to read my homework very carefully. I don’t know Cliven Bundy and he doesn’t know me. I know little about his family and his history, but fortunately for us, this has all been made very easy.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with tortoises or grazing fees. Dana Loesch has done a good job of explaining it, and by now it has made its way to several other venues. It has to do with evil, greed, cronyism, nepotism, and malfeasance in office.
There are several takeaways from this affair. First of all, the main stream media is dead. The reports of conditions on the ground were given to us by blogs, alternative media, email and social media like Facebook and Twitter. The main stream media still hasn’t caught up. Perhaps in a month of two some large news publication like The New York Times or The Chicago Tribune will come out with an expose on Harry Reid’s evil in this affair, but don’t bet on it, and even if they do, it will be a month too late.
This death has been a long time coming, but it is finally here. The only thing anyone needs the main stream media for now is to cite their ridiculous editorials for the purpose of ridicule. The collectivists and the press have been like two ticks and no dog – both of them parasites. Eventually parasites have to perish. Unfortunately for us, many more parasites are in cahoots with the collectivists, but that’s for another time. Right now, don’t lament the death of the main stream media. They deserve it. Good riddance. You can write their obituary and bid them farewell. They’re done.
Next, Mike Vanderboegh has harped on a theme, that being “We won’t fire the first shot. We will shoot in self defense.” Sure enough, it almost came to that, but not quite. The militia who did show up held their composure and did remarkably well. No one took wild shots, no one escalated the situation, but a strong message was sent.
That said, this is far from over. The BLM is still very active, and for those who are of like mind, i.e., the notion that the federal government owns land is morally abominable, there are many miles to go before we rest. In fact, this wasn’t even a skirmish. It was a prelude to coming attractions if the federal government doesn’t check its own power (something not likely to happen). There are many federal agencies (DOJ, ATF, EPA, BLM, DHS, DEA, etc.), and together they can successfully trample rights just about anywhere over just about anything they wish.
Next, while I do like my AR-15, for the men who were providing overwatch and security for the protesters, I wondered if I was in that position which weapon I would want? My answer? My scoped, bolt action rifle. Leave the squad rushes and advance through fields of fire to the U.S. Marines on base at Camps Lejeune and Pendleton. Such would have been folly in a situation like this. One commenter remarked concerning a previous article that a sniper is anyone firing from a clandestine position. I don’t buy it. If that’s true, I can arm my mother and stick here in a hole and call her a sniper. Skilled shooting would have been at a premium if this had escalated to an engagement.
Finally (and there will be many more observations we will be able to make as this all sinks in), since the roots of this are so easily explained, the judgment is just as simple. Tyrants wish to usurp God’s authority. Thus their lusts and desires for rule over others runs antithetical to the economy and administration of the Almighty.
The halls of tyranny are the abode of demons and haters of God. But God will not be mocked. Tyrants and those who enable them will lose their souls, but even before that, time isn’t on their side. Tyrants will be held accountable both in time and eternity.
Every high thing must come down
Every stronghold shall be broken
He wears the Victor’s crown
He shall overcome
He shall overcome
Be of strong heart and good cheer. You are not on the losing side.
On April 14, 2014 at 8:48 am, RadioPatriot said:
Reposted on The Radio Patriot blog.
On April 14, 2014 at 9:19 am, Josh said:
This is how obvious it is that it has nothing to so with turtles : if there was a threat to turtles, would grazing fees prevent or even mitigate that threat? The answer is “of course not”.
For the locals, ranchers and militia members, this was not about cattle. This was about theft and destruction of property and a motion to check the federal governments overreach. The message that was sent was an intentional response to all things federal, not just BLM actions: “Don’t tread on me.”
On April 14, 2014 at 9:30 am, Paul B said:
Assuming you are not an atheist. (BTW I am not)
The turtles were used as an excuse. It is the militant left we need to watch for. Like the militant Islam.
They are marching to the drum of the leftist Democrats. Or it could be the tail is waving the dog, hard to tell from this prospective.
It is amusing to me that they believe in the devil, but not God.
It is also amazing how Ried has become rich working for the public good.
On April 14, 2014 at 10:11 am, Phelps said:
It occurred to me as I watched all of this unfold, that if the balloon goes up in the American Southwest, the US government has done us all a favor by sending our patriots to Afghanistan, where they learned exactly how the US military gets defeated in this sort of terrain.
On April 14, 2014 at 11:43 am, Robert Storms said:
Totally disagree with the “sniper” comment. Any competent shooter with an AR-15 should be able to engage targets accurately at 500 yards with iron sights. I would much rather have had a semi auto rifle in that situation.
On April 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm, Colorado Pete said:
A semi with a scope. Target detection and identification is much easier after the first shot makes your enemies dive for cover/concealment. Hard to see what to shoot at with the naked eye from 500 when all your opponents give you is half a head poking around a rock or bush. Now, binocs + irons will tell you which bush to shoot through, or rock to chip away. A scoped AR with 77-gr. ammo or scoped M1A will work fine. Ditto a scoped hunting bolt rifle, if you’ve done your homework with it at full distance and can keep it topped off. After the first few rounds easily visible targets will likely dwindle rapidly, so speed of fire/reloading will probably be less important than finding and accurately hitting very small targets.
I say this as a guy who loves GI aperture irons and has years of experience shooting the national match course out to 600 yds with a Garand. Not all your targets way out there will stand up out in the open for you.
On April 14, 2014 at 1:08 pm, Robert Storms said:
Agreed, I like the ACOG. Personally, I prefer the 62 or 70 gr. TSX
On April 14, 2014 at 1:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Perhaps I should elaborate. If I had been doing standoff security and overwatch, I would have been doing it with my bolt action, scoped rifle. I would have had my AR-15 slung across my back. It wouldn’t have been in my gun safe at home.
On April 14, 2014 at 1:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Perhaps I should elaborate. If I had been doing standoff security and overwatch, I would have been doing it with my bolt action, scoped rifle. I would have had my AR-15 slung across my back. It wouldn’t have been in my gun safe at home.
On April 14, 2014 at 2:34 pm, Paul B said:
I definitely would not be shooting through the crack in the barrier. No lateral movement on targets and the opposition was arranged left to right not top to bottom. 2 cents, no more.
On April 14, 2014 at 3:01 pm, Josh said:
At that range you don’t need a whole lot of lateral adjustment. Shooting prone through a crack is the better option.
On April 14, 2014 at 5:12 pm, JuneUSA said:
I liked this. Well said. The government says the people are breaking the law. I see it as the government breaking the laws and taking freedoms away illegally firstand the people standing up to them and showing the government is wrong and what they are. Criminals.
On April 14, 2014 at 8:25 pm, sorleyboy said:
I agree, but government gets to determine what constitutes “law,” not us.
If the shit hits the fan, remember this: If a soldier or law enforcement
official kills a patriot, it will not be called “murder” by the
government. But if a patriot kills a soldier or law enforcement officer,
it will be called murder and prosecuted as such by the government and
by the media in the court of public opinion. This is a weapon all
corrupt governments use to keep their subjects in line. I say this so
you’ll know what you’re up against. But which instance will be murder
from God’s point of view? And that’s the only one that really matters.
On April 14, 2014 at 8:57 pm, Josh said:
You’re not wrong, you’re just redundant. These are points we all get. That’s why we’re here talking about what we’re talking about.
On April 14, 2014 at 8:21 pm, sorleyboy said:
Very well done, indeed!
On April 14, 2014 at 9:35 pm, Pat Hines said:
The BLM owns no land at all. They never have. There’s a constitutional stipulation, should we be of the mind that the US government feels bound by the document that created it, that holds the rules of US government land possession.
That the US government holds no title to the land in Nevada, means that they have no vested interest in it. The idea that rancher Bundy owes the US government money is beyond absurd, it’s fraud.