Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 9 months ago
Corroboration could cause allegations against anti-gun California State Senator Leland Yee, for attempting to broker illegal arms deals, to pale in comparison, particularly since Sharpton is a national figure with the ear of the administration and a national voice via his opinion show on MSNBC.
Well, when you bed down with criminals, you lose moral authority. And this administration lost it a long time ago with sundry things, like Fast and Furious, the Gibson Guitar scandal, Solyndra, and the list could go on a long time.
One of them (also probably in diapers when the FBI was immolating those innocents that he figured had it coming) said that I was a “crazy old douchebag,” or words to that effect. I indicated that when they got ahold of the guy who had invited me to come up from Alabama to speak that he should get in touch with me and let me know if it had been a waste of time. Then I left.
So, having learned nothing that I needed to know and as ignorant as before I drove back to where I am staying. My speech, it would seem, is entirely up in the air. In truth, they had not invited me to their meeting and it was well within their rights to ask me to leave, so I really bear them no rancor. But some of them sure don’t know shit from shinola about Waco.
What a strange meeting. David Koresh was a rapist and child abuser and I have no connection to him, ideologically or in any other way. But there were other ways to handle this than the way the ATF chose. Burning an entire township down and harming innocent folk is the mark of rapists, and so the ATF became (or already were) the very man they sought to arrest.
I congratulated Ammon and told him that this was perhaps a pivotal moment in American history. He also agreed with me that it is impossible not to see the hand of God in all of this. I told him that it was my opinion that the empire would surely strike back, but that they would likely come at the Bundys and their supporters sideways next time. Still, it was a great victory, a pivotal moment, in the relationship between the federal government and the American people. Nothing will be quite the same after this, mostly because it has demonstrated to those whom the government would victimize that they only require someone with the guts to stand up to leviathan — and the armed friends to back them up in the argument.
Read the entire communication. It is indeed a great victory, but the empire will indeed strike back.
Enjoy this #bundyranch thread at PoliceOne.
Go at it, boys.
In public.
Must read. You’d better figure it out, boys. Each and every one of you, individually, after talking with your wives and loved ones, after much prayer. Your souls are at stake, and it will come to your doorstep. You can’t avoid it. Ponder the deep thoughts now. Pick your sides soon and be faithful.
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