Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 8 months ago
Titled “Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles,” and assigned OMB Number 1140–0100, the 60-day notice abstract declares “The purpose of this information collection is to require Federal Firearms Licensees to report multiple sales or other dispositions whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of two or more rifles within any five consecutive business days with the following characteristics: (a) Semi automatic; (b) a caliber greater than .22; and (c) the ability to accept a detachable magazine.
In the updates and comments, there is still some question as to just how far this goes. Does this codify the requirement only for border states or does it expand it to all FFLs? Either way, the ATF is overreaching, a feature of every agency in the Obama administration and a symptom of a larger more pernicious illness.
The reporting requirement was imposed by raw executive fiat. A similar requirement for multiple handgun purchases, in contrast, is mandated by federal law. A blatantly unconstitutional law, to be sure, but at least that requirement has the thin veneer of legitimacy of having received the blessing of Congress.
At least when the communists in Congress have been involved, part of the constitution has been followed (albeit neglecting the most important part – our protections in the Bill of Rights). But the ATF knows that there is no constitutional provision for what it is doing.
WRSA has a must read piece on more police piggishness, oddly enough by Mark Steyn. Read every word of Mark’s article. And there is this.
The District Court found for the coppers, and so did the Fifth Circuit, ruling that “Get your fucking hands off my mom” constituted a “verbal threat” and, from a guy on his knees 15-20 feet away, “an immediate threat to the safety of the officers” – rather than (as we approach Mother’s Day) what ought to be the sentiment of any self-respecting young man seeing somebody physically assault his mom.
The district court and the officer who perpetrated this evil had better watch their six should they ever do this to my wife of mother.
I had to miss Mike on Alan Colmes, but there is this.
Acrimonious, but fun. My favorite line: “You know, I’ve been warning about the possibility of civil war caused by government bad conduct for the past 20 years, but it wasn’t until I started mentioning that collectivist senators were putting their own testicles at risk that people started paying attention. I think I must have accidentally put my finger on where you fellers worship — if you can stand THAT mental picture.”
Alan Colmes and his radio show? Worthless. The telephone call in? Pennies. Mike’s line: Priceless.
Finally, if you want some pure gun porn, look here and here (be warned, it will take you a while).
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