Yuppie, Get Your Gun!
BY Herschel Smith
It is here in the forest that you leave behind, once and for all, Ukraine’s cosmopolitan present and take a step back into its violent past—as well as glimpse what could become its bloody future. It is here, locals say, where Ukraine’s fate could be decided once again.
The training camp for Ukraine’s new generation of partisans—mostly young people who are signing up to fight the Russians in anticipation of an invasion—sits in a grassy clearing in the forest. A few dilapidated buildings given to the group by a Ukrainian non-governmental organization of mysterious origins, sitting on private land loaned to them by a local businessman, make up the “headquarters.”
An old army mobile kitchen (designed to be pulled by a jeep) is parked up outside the canteen: a long, rectangular room where the partisan trainees break for lunch to eat thick, potato-heavy vegetable soup. A hose resting on a chopped tree trunk provides the drinking water. The people here are preparing to live rough—and, they say, to die fast, if necessary.
“Many of us are here learning the basics so we don’t get killed in the first minute of the war,” says Tanya, a 38-year old graphic designer and the camp’s coordinator. “Maybe with what we’ve learned we might last one or two days.”
An advisor close to Kyiv’s security establishment told me that dozens of these camps are springing up around the country—with more opening every week—but they are all organized by private citizens working in informal groups without funding or oversight from the state, making reliable information as to their extent almost impossible to find.
What is clear is that the idea of partisan war has taken hold among the people. In the bars of Kyiv, men talk to me about going to east to fight a guerrilla war, while a senior advisor close to Kyiv’s security establishment assures me that Moscow will face widespread partisan resistance if it continues its aggression.
Forgetting for a moment about the loser Obama and how his weakness has catapulted the world in chaos, the upshot of this is watching the Ukrainian unorganized militia become organized and learn to fight and survive – or perish for their cause.
One very important point should be made here. If they are training this hard for the purpose of lasting a few days to kill the enemy, the Russians are in for a hard time. While it’s certainly more effective to live for your cause than to die for it, a man who is willing to lose everything is a very dangerous man.
On May 7, 2014 at 10:19 pm, Rob Crawford said:
They’ve heard how the Russians treated them under the USSR. It was attempted genocide, and continues today with the “ethnic Russians” that are being used for the causus belli.
On May 7, 2014 at 10:49 pm, nutsinavice said:
I don’t know if you’ve heard but the Russians have stood down, thanks to “loser Obama.” Peace out, brother.
On May 8, 2014 at 5:28 am, Carlos_Perera said:
Putin has decided to consolidate his gains . . . for the present, and for reasons of his own. Loser Obama has nothing whatsoever to do with it. (Indeed, the Russians have shown nothing but contempt for his feeble, marginal attempts to influence the course of events in the Ukraine.) Shalom to you.
On May 8, 2014 at 9:41 am, no_tubes said:
It is incredibly disingenuous to leave out the fact that it was the US State Dept. and CIA who staged the coup that overthrew the legitimate, though pro-Russian, government of Ukraine in the first place. I expect that from corp/.gov controlled Politico, but not from you.
All wars are that behest of the debt-peddlers and warmakers. O’bomb-a and co. got cock-blocked in Syria by Putin, but they are hungry for war, and it looks like they are getting one. As usual, the poor and ignorant are going to go out and do the fighting and dying, while the debt-peddlers kick back and rake it in.
On May 8, 2014 at 9:50 am, Herschel Smith said:
Basically, my response is WTF are you talking about? Really. What are you talking about? The subject is the Ukrainian militia and watching them morph and how it happens, and lessons for other miltias.
So now as for your comment, WTF are you talking about? Would you prefer that I had posted on a different subject than the one I did? Did you wish to discuss something else?
On May 8, 2014 at 12:02 pm, Rob said:
I have been seeing a lot of pro Russian comments around the net, and I’ve heard rumors that they are kremlin-bots meant to peddle propaganda..
It would make sense if that is the case here, as he makes pro Russian comments that don’t quite make sense in context.
On May 8, 2014 at 8:59 pm, no_tubes said:
Try googling “Nuland Pyatt tape” and see what you come up with. You will hear Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland discussing the upcoming coup and the the installation of US puppet Yatsunyuk (sp.)
The US absolutely had their hands in the overthrow of the Ukraine government.
It’s funny how this administration is the bad guy until we can all rally around the flag and the slow-motion eagle and go kick some ass.
On May 8, 2014 at 9:15 pm, Josh said:
I think you need to be done with the internet for the day…
On May 8, 2014 at 9:25 pm, no_tubes said:
Did you do the research?
On May 8, 2014 at 9:34 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Ah. Still wanting to talk about something completely different than what I posted. Have you thought about starting your own web site? That way you can talk about anything you want rather than making up stuff unrelated to the post to which your commenting.
Just a suggestion.
On May 8, 2014 at 10:01 am, Paul B said:
The miltia’s must be expecting some one to come to the rescue if they are training to survive a few days.
It is educational to see how they are coming together.
I am beginning to think Matt Braken has the best idea. get a boat (sailing) and head to sea.
I do like the fact I can grow my own food on land, but I am reading a treatise right now on ancient war and I am not sure for a small group that is a viable plan. The farmers always seemed to be raided. And a raid is an effective thing indeed.
On May 8, 2014 at 9:17 pm, Josh said:
Small, guarded encampments of heavily armed and trained like-minded individuals wins IMO.