Wrongful Police Raid And Chum In The Water
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 8 months ago
Like sharks feeding on chum, there has been another wrongful police raid.
Cops stormed a Kalamazoo, Mich., house looking for a man named Chum — a drug dealer who apparently hadn’t lived there for a year.
The home’s current occupants, the Handley family, had no idea who Chum was.
But as a result of the police SWAT tactics — which involved kicking down the back door, ransacking every room and making the occupants feel like endangered victims — the two young Handley children now believe Chum is coming to get them, and have nightmares to that effect. They are also afraid of the police, according to WWMT.
“One dream was about Chum coming in our house with a gun saying ‘Get on the ground,” said 8-year-old Aurora Handley.
The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety burst into the home and handcuffed the parents.
“I thought it was someone trying to rob us or hurt us,” said Jeremy Handley, the father, in a statement.
The children hid in the closet while police moved from room to room trashing the premises in search of drugs and cash. They found neither.
After admitting they made a mistake and should have known that Chum no longer lived there, the cops gave the kids some stuffed animals. Aurora and Brenden appreciate the new toys, but they are still mortified.
Well, since the cops gave toys away everything is cool, I guess. SWAT raid = toys for the kids. Who could argue with such an arrangement?
On May 12, 2014 at 8:37 am, Paul B said:
Swat raids need to stop. at one time they, like unions might have had a reason to exist but they have long outlived that usefulness.
On May 12, 2014 at 11:01 am, William Baker said:
But what about the adults, they should get toys too; maybe surrender their M4s used in the raid. SWAT tactics and special treatment of our police are both horrible issues. The 14th amendment says no one gets special treatment (paraphrased), so if shots are fired, why do they get a presumption of innocence but I don’t? This particular raid was total BS.