Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 8 months ago
Misplacing blame for the killing of his son in the Isla Vista murders, the father of one of the victims issued a grief-stricken attack on the National Rifle Association Saturday … they clearly offer proof that no amount of “gun control,” for which California has been hailed as a leader by citizen disarmament groups, will ever be enough for them.
That’s why there can be no compromise with them. And as for the NRA, it’s the same confusion that blames the NRA for our opposition to funding of gun “studies” by the CDC, or mandated “smart gun” technology. To the extent that the NRA doesn’t compromise, they are doing what we told them to do. To the extent that they do compromise, they are doing it in spite of what we told them to do.
… but when he mentions the “[s]ix dead,” he does not bother to mention that half of them were stabbed to death) to segue into his call for more “gun control.”
Eh, doesn’t fit the narrative. And there’s this: “Ah, so that’s his standard–as long as the government’s recognition of the right to keep and bear arms does not “vanish altogether,” we’re golden. In an instant, shall not be infringed has become “shall not vanish altogether,” and that’s supposed to be good enough for us.”
Not for me, not for Kurt, and shouldn’t be for any of my readers.
The movie is, like all such mass murder historical dramas (Schindler’s List, Hotel Rwanda, etc.) difficult to watch. It also reminded me of something I wrote fifteen years ago now (hard to believe it’s been that long) but wich still retains its relevance: What I Have Learned From the Twentieth Century
And boy this is a tutorial in necessary lessons. And finally there is this piece that Mike links:
So far, Toys for Totalitarians hasn’t gotten the media coverage Mike hoped for—not in the scandalized mainstream press and (surprisingly) not in the online pro-gun media.
Perhaps not the MSM, but the pro-gun media? That’s just dead wrong. David Codrea has covered it, Kurt Hofmann has covered it, and I’ve covered it. Perhaps she’s talking about the prags?
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