Impeach Obama
BY Herschel Smith
A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.
“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”
Of course as you know, there is no such thing as a signing statement providing that some parts of the bill are unconstitutional and needn’t be followed. That is entirely extra-constitutional and unlawful.
But we all know that this president behaves in an unlawful manner. In this case he explicitly admitted that he did this, didn’t follow the law, and signed a bill that one can only assume could have passed even with a presidential veto. The only other thing a president can do in this case is become unlawful.
He did it, he admitted it, and he provided the evidence to the world. This is felonious behavior, and he ought to be impeached and imprisoned. Since we live in the “give me things” generation of high powered corporate executives on the take, labor unions paying back favors, and the entitled classes waiting with their hands out, nothing will be done.
Because both political parties are corrupt and the president is a criminal.
On June 2, 2014 at 5:02 pm, Fudge said:
Both? There is only one, the commie party.
On June 3, 2014 at 1:02 am, BiggerFatterPolitics said:
Treason and High Crimes!
3 Ways to Impeach Obama Click Here
How to Impeach Obama Click Here
More Way To Impeach Click Here
Obama must go and YOU can make it happen!!!!!
On June 3, 2014 at 2:09 pm, Kevin Groenhagen said:
Obama can, and should, be impeached. However,
the corrupt Democrats in the Senate would block conviction. Therefore, I
believe the people themselves should take the initiative and remove Obama
from office by following the process outlined in chapter 19 of John Locke’s
“Second Treatise of Government.” I outline the reasons why Obama should be
removed from office and Locke’s prescription for putting the old form of
government, i.e., our constitutional republic, into new hands in a short book,
which is available for free at
On June 16, 2014 at 4:17 pm, Irv Spielberg said:
Coming to a theater near you: “THE DEVIL’S DUO” starring Obaba Black
Sheep (pulling the wool over our eyes) and Eric Holedirt (always being
backed up by Obaba). Surprise ending when they disappear !