Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 7 months ago
“You’ve got a friend,” the subject line of an email purportedly from singer James Taylor, but actually from, an email address for Organizing for Action (formerly Organizing for Obama) assures me.
“Really?” I wonder. Not only does OFA act as the online community organizer for “the most anti-gun president ever to occupy the Oval Office,” but James Taylor himself is on record advocating “We need to make some sacrifice[s] to our freedoms,” meaning enact citizen disarmament “in order to safeguard our children.”
This is all really too bad. I like James Taylor’s music. But what business does a musician have thinking that he is any better to judge on my freedoms than me?
Apparently, in other words, he has edited the Second Amendment to state that, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed, except by a federal government that maintains a sound fiscal policy.”
He can’t help himself. “Can a Leopard change its spots?” I never thought I could trust the guy anyway. Moreover, I want to know just how many people really believe the claptrap about Chris Christie potentially giving up his chance at a run at the Presidency if he signs the magazine ban in New Jersey (as if to say, “I had considered voting for you but now that you did this you lost my vote”). Chris Christie is a gun grabber from way back. Once a gun grabber, always a gun grabber. It’s how most folks in the Northern states think.
Recall the toddler blown up by a grenade at the hands of the police? You have to see the update from Mike Vanderboegh on this. This Sheriff has history – ugly history. There isn’t a single bit of difference between this law enforcement community and the lawless drug cartels. None.
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