Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 7 months ago
As I asked many years back, during the reign of another president who rivaled our current one in his fear and despising of an armed citizenry, has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?
This is poetic prose worthy of the best authors. And while I don’t believe in luck, I agree with David (who is speaking tongue in cheek here). “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” The heart of man is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). And that’s why we should expect totalitarianism. Because it’s the state to which evil man aspires.
There cannot fail to be consequences from the discovery on the part of every parent in America that the government’s hired muscle can kick down their doors, set their children on fire, and the official response will be a shrug, and maybe an “oops.”
Inevitably, some parents will refuse to tolerate the intolerable. Some, even knowing the vanishingly small likelihood of their own survival, will fight back with every weapon they possess. Private citizens defending their homes and families will doubtless do the bulk of the dying, but they will not do all of it.
The Posse Comitatus Act is a vital law, but as the police themselves morph more and more aggressively into an occupying army, it is quickly losing relevance.
Kurt is saying what I’ve said before. The militarization of police is a work-around of the law. And don’t think for a minute that the founders would have any more approved of it than they did of the requirement to quarter troops.
So we know who this outdated move is pointed at, don’t we? And it has nothing to do with Jihadis, “homegrown” or otherwise. A cynic might say that given the Bergdahl swap and the unilateral disengagement from any pretense of fighting the Jihadis overseas that you are simply trying to assure full employment for armed federal bureaucrats, much as the repeal of Prohibition led to the transfer of Treasury agents to enforce the subsequent National Firearms Act. Dragon slayers need dragons to frighten the villagers into paying them for the privilege of full employment, no matter how obvious, ridiculous and hackneyed the lies are.
This is also poetic writing by Mike. He is much more patient with his official letters than I seem to be able to pull off. I just utter that “Holder is a servant of Satan” and leave it at that. But you need to see just how Holder is a servant of Satan, and so visit Mike’s place and study his letter.
Via WRSA, Tyler Durden:
The masses are being plundered on a scale which is inconceivable and unmatched in history; it is the source of the middle classes dying in the developed world. The developed world has become a well-disguised plantation of serfs and slaves. They are given nothing to store and save their labor in as the currency they hold are printed endlessly and have no reserves to back them and are redeemable in NOTHING, contrary to every sound currency in history. Modern day money is nothing less than a wealth confiscation scheme run by morally and fiscally bankrupt central banks and governments against their own citizens.
And thus does God disapprove of it, and thus will it fail. Be prepared.
On June 9, 2014 at 9:31 am, Jack said:
Thanks for paragraph from Codrea – should be required reading/memorization for every defender of the 2nd Amendment.
On June 16, 2014 at 9:01 pm, McCaffreys folly said:
There is a second work around for posse comitatus. It’s called operation Unitas. Starting about number 32. Look them up, study them, be afraid!