Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 7 months ago
In other words, her use of the term “automatic,” rather than “semi-automatic” was intentional, and intentionally misleading.
That’s exactly what I thought when I heard her words. Don’t think for a minute what one author wrote, that this was a “gaffe.” If you do you’re not giving Hillary enough credit for obfuscation of the ignorant masses.
Wait a minute: The AG making it known not to shoot innocent citizens for exercising their lawful rights requires a vote by politicians? What if they vote that it’s OK? And Ohio cops need “special training” beyond telling them not to?
There are some idiotic, violent cops in North Carolina too. I’ve known some folks who had LEOs draw their weapons on them because of open carry, when North Carolina is a traditional open carry state. Losing the mandate of heaven, I think it’s called. They become nothing more than gang members with badges. They certainly aren’t heroes, and their actions don’t constitute examples for young children as they might have 50 years ago.
In other news, we learn that criminals aren’t afraid of our guns, and so we shouldn’t have them, I guess. That’s fine with me. I don’t have guns to make people afraid. I have them to shoot people who assault me.
Here is one for Mike Vanderboegh, who loves the M1A and M14 platform. Exploring the humble beginnings of the M1 rifle.
Finally, some strange things with guns. And more strange things. I don’t want to do either of these strange things.
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