Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 7 months ago
So if you wish to stay free, prepare to resist, defy, evade and smuggle. The Founders did. The enemies of liberty will certainly never be convinced by anything less.
Make sure to catch Mike’s recent speech in Big Spring, Texas. He has some praise for your favorite President.
So Abramski has become law, meaning it has been transformed into stare decisisüber alles, and it can become the basis for more bad rulings across the country. To stop that from happening, gun owners who are sitting on the sidelines must join the fight for gun rights, or the decision’s arcane language and legal parrying involving milk and iPhones will devolve further into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Yea, and I fear it will become the basis for much more than bad rulings. I’m afraid that this will empower the federal Leviathan to become even more intrusive with regulations that take on the force of law.
Every mass shooting is immediately followed by clamorous calls for more restrictive gun laws. These days, it’s primarily calls for “universal background checks.” One little problem–every one of the guns used in every one of the recent mass shootings was bought with the buyer having passed such a check. Sandy Hook Elementary, Isla Vista, Phoenix, Ft. Hood (twice), Aurora movie theater, Virginia Tech–each and every one of those guns was sold without any fabricated “loopholes.”
A prominent anti-gunner says they have a “messaging problem.” They have more than a messaging problem. They have lies and they don’t have the guns. We have both truth and guns on our side.
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