Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
What Perlstein doesn’t mention, but undoubtedly knows, is that if the armed federal muscle had not backed off, the only other option would have been a bloody battle. Killing in wholesale numbers, over a dispute about where cows eat. This guy wants the government to go into combat against American citizens, very possibly igniting civil war, and has the audacity to claim that it’s the “gun nuts” who “are terrorizing America.”
I don’t think the collectivists have thought through this point. They have assumed that any advance by government forces would have brought capitulation by the folks at the ranch. This simply isn’t true, and we’ve discussed the legality and morality of shooting back at the ranch should government forces fire the first shot. The same lack of thought afflicts the suggestion that because the government has tanks and nuclear weapons, a citizenry cannot hold tyranny accountable – as if the government would, or should, wage conventional and nuclear war on its citizens! As for that matter, these collectivists who believe that owning tanks assures their perpetuity don’t understand 4GW.
To be effective with a gun in a crisis situation requires not just instinct but training. Police officers and military forces go through extensive instruction for good reason. It isn’t enough to knock a few beer cans off a fencepost or to accurately line up a deer in a rifle sight.
A friend who is a former Captain with the [very large] Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department once told me that we both knew more about guns and tactics than most cops on the force, who shoot their weapons only when they qualify once a year at the range. She believes the myth. And let me tell you something lady. I notice that you insulted boys with hunting rifles and scopes who hunt deer. Don’t you mess with those boys. They’ll put a hurting on you, in the woods or anywhere else.
You want to know why Thad Conchran won in Mississippi? Mike Vanderboegh has the scoop.
Make sure to read David Codrea on Ted Cruz, Ronald Reagan, politics and guns. The results may surprise you. I find the positions held by Ted Cruz to my liking, regardless of what his wife does for a living. As for his wife, I’ll hold judgment – well, no I won’t. And I want to hear Ted on gun rights.
Finally, this is a note I sent to the webmaster of the Louisiana National Guard (because that was the only email address I could find on the site).
I see no other way on your web site to contact command of Louisiana National Guard concerning my questions, so I am reaching out to you to forward this note to your superiors. This is the first of several questions I have concerning Lousiana National Guard actions during Katrina, but we may as well start with the first one. I would like to have a traceable paper trail for all of my communications, and if necessary I will fill out the requisite paperwork for FOI request. Let’s hope that it doesn’t come to that.
My first question concerns whether LNG soldiers were armed (with rounds in magazines and/or chambered) during your response to Katrina. I would like a PDF copy of your arming orders for this if so. Your CO will know what I refer to when I say “arming orders.”
Thank you,
Herschel Smith
I think you see where I’m going with this. I don’t expect it to be easy or quick.
On June 26, 2014 at 11:47 pm, Coyote Vs. Acme said:
Will be interesting to see where this goes.
On June 30, 2014 at 10:48 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to submitting FOIA requests. FOIA has morphed into a vehicle for stalling, obfuscation, and disinformation.
Here’s wishing you well on this effort.