Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 6 months ago
In a peculiar combination of a “Catch-22” contradiction along with Soviet-style psychiatric controls, expect the desire to own guns to be proof of a mental disability. Especially if they’re the “non-sporting” kind and accompanied by a belief that keeping and bearing them is “necessary to the security of a free State.”
[citing a gun controller] … but there must be plenty of people among the eight million Americans now holding Concealed Carry (CCW) privileges who don’t have the physical or mental dexterity that handling a lethal weapon requires.
Then advocate taking them off the road first, since automobiles are the most lethal weapon in America. Let’s hear it. I want to hear this weasel advocate taking cars away from people who need transportation. Until then, he’s just a wind bag full of hot air.
Via Mike Vanderboegh, Kevin Williamson:
Is there something magical about Albion’s seed — Protestantism? the English language itself? the combination of the two in the King James Bible? — that inoculates the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand against the European intellectual disease? That disease mutates every 20 years, but the primordial strain of the virus is always identifiable: more power, centralized power, consolidated power.
Yes, and to the degree which it wanes, totalitarianism will wax strong. It’s called the philosophical problem of the one and the many, which totalitarian societies answer favoring the former, while anarchy answers favoring the later. Only historical Christianity gets it right, with the balance of institutions – government, family and church – all answerable to God.
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