Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 6 months ago
“Are those urging the ignorant and inexperienced to handle guns in public offering training, just to make sure?” it asked.
Here we go again. Listen, I’m harder on those in our camp who mishandle weapons than the police – and I’m hard on everyone who does so. But don’t tell me the police are better off. I know that to be false. Moreover, do we see automobile turn-ins or buybacks because they can kill people, and do on a regular basis?
… the fact that they supposedly lacked the resources to investigate problematic gun sales that were already happening makes the official explanation of Operation Fast and Furious just that much less convincing.
Like I’ve said, don’t ever get into a logical debate with Kurt. He will remember what you said a long, long time ago, and it must be consistent with what you say today. And as for combining the ATF with the FBI or any other agency, just don’t do it. Let’s focus our efforts not on the scraps that fall from the master’s table, but in repeal of the onerous gun laws America already has.
Mike Vanderboegh: Holder Plays The Race Card – Again: Hell, I Don’t Care About His Skin Color. I Do Care About His Criminal Brain. Yes, but even if his brain was well functioning, it’s his evil soul that matters most.
Mike on the Citizen-Soldier in the Ukraine.
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