Illinois Governor Quinn Calls For Assault Weapon Ban
BY Herschel Smith
Illinois Governor Quinn is still pushing an “assault weapon” ban.
Gov. Pat Quinn is making another push on gun legislation, including an assault weapons ban.
The governor made an appearance Sunday on behalf of the Illinois Public Safety Act, which was introduced in the spring legislative session but not acted upon.
Part of the measure is a ban on assault weapons. “Part of fighting against the violence is to put a ban on assault weapons. Assault weapons have been used over and over again to kill people. We’ve gotta put an end to that,” Quinn said.
The bill also would ban high-capacity magazines, but anybody who legally owns these weapons could keep them, or transfer them to a family member.
With that last stipulation he’s throwing a bone, and gun owners won’t go for it. So, a note to Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms, both of which manufacturers have made firearms I own (and like very much).
How long with you stay in Illinois where there is hostile terrain? Haven’t you learned anything from Mossberg, Ruger, PTR and many others? Don’t you understand that you are harming your brand by operating in an environment hostile to firearms? Will you be the next firearms manufacturer to do the right thing?
On July 16, 2014 at 3:05 pm, Chuck said:
I call for a ban on government since it has been used over and over again to kill people.
On July 17, 2014 at 9:23 am, TexTopCat said:
You would think 10 years of an AWB that did not do any good, would have been enough to kill that idea.
On July 22, 2014 at 9:28 am, robertsgunshop said:
4 or 5 years ago, Les Behr moved across the river to Iowa. I talked to him right after the move and he was happy as a clam. Lower taxes and less gun hating nut bags. Iowa Firearms Coalition has sent people across the river to talk to all of the manufacturers. It sure would be a coup if we could get RRA or Springfield to make the jump. Even some of the smaller ones in that area would be a good start.